Channeled Message for the New Year 2022

“We are seeing the needs of many souls on earth as well their questions as to what is going to be in store for them for the coming New Year. The year 2022 is the year to “surrender” your human personality to your spiritual nature in order that you can experience a greater re-awakening as to who you are. Your problems are nothing but experiences that are to lead you to greater maturity, self-understanding and self-enlightening. Don’t count on anything that lives on the earthly plane to make you happy, healthy or prosperous. The power is within your spiritual connection with Divine Source. When you don’t receive answers to your desires it’s due to the fact that you choose to live in your head and you dramatize with your emotions, in other words you are NOT ALLOWING the higher energies to connect with your human self.

The earth planet is presently going through the shadow of the Light. There is so much greed, worries, anger, fear, un-forgivingness and immaturity being created. Many individuals live by their human perception which causes them to be confused as to distinguish the difference between right and wrong, reality and illusion. Many have lost their path due to being materially led. You must rise above these lower vibrations in order that you may find your connection to your inner being. The process of the “SACRED RESET” in which the planet earth is going through is that you need to reconnect and stay connected to your higher self. Each New Year is about reflection and re-evaluating your life, it’s about you recreating a better life for yourself and in creating a trusting relationship with your soul self keeping in mind that you are not physical, you are a Spiritual Being of Light Energy that is having a physical adventure on the earth plant. You are the awareness that is aware of your human emotions. The individual purpose of every soul is to be awakened in their Self-Aware and you do it by letting go of ideas, attitudes, behaviors and patterns of conditioning that no longer serves you for your highest good, spiritually, intellectually and physically. Only when you liberate your old self you come to realize who you are and where you come from, then you will consciously experience your life on earth as a Spiritual Light Energy Being.

Allow the energies of Light, love, peace, wisdom, maturity and positivity be your will and motivation to guide you to live your best life in this incarnation. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter and don’t give your power away to worries, fear or insecurities. You cannot control the events of the world but you can control on how you choose to react to the events. Whatever is happening globally don’t let it intimidate you, you have a purpose to fulfill, only when the purpose has been achieved then you will return HOME. Your personal experiences are a reflection of all your intentions, choices, and actions you have created consciously and unconsciously. No one can change you or your experiences only you can.

I’m offering you some guidance that can assist you in ways of thinking, doing, living and being.-

“Be Alert in each moment” for each time you think, express and act these same energies will follow you in your existence’s.

“Make Peace with Your Past” in order that you can heal and become free from baggage’s that you carry .

“Trust yourself” and “be self-confident” in who you are and what you can do.

“STOP” giving your power away to other’s or to situations that disappoint or hurt you.

“Embrace” the reality that nothing happens without a reason.

“Value” your existence, life is a gift so you are a gift to humanity.

“Nurture” your human intellect with constructive knowledge, opinions and ideas.

“Let go of un-forgiveness” for it makes you to be the victim instead of being the creator of life.

When people walk away from you, let them walk away because they are no longer attached to you. It doesn’t mean that they are a bad person it means that their chapter in your story has come to an end. Appreciate the time spent together and move on in order to continue to fulfill your purpose. I offer you spiritual insights based on what you can handle, the more you evolve the deeper or greater insights you shall receive. Keep in mind that endless blessings are felt and received when you live from the heart. You are never alone for my love and blessings are always upon you. I shall return to offer you more insights in assisting you in your reawakening to your connection to the I AM”.

Friends, I am very humble and grateful to know that God has given me this profound joy and honor in knowing that I am being supported by his servants to guide me closer to my Creator. I am simply sharing this truth with love. I ask you to always follow your own heart. I wish each and every one of you endless blessings of peace, love, joy, health, happiness, prosperity and spiritual wisdom to fulfill your life journey and that 2022 will bring forth the creation of all your dreams and desires.

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During This 2020 Unprecedented Time

Your Higher Self Has a Message

for Your Human Personality!


Your human mind is too busy by worrying, thinking and rationalizing, making it difficult for the sub-conscious self (soul) to communicate through the human brain.
You are in a serious moment in your life where you are to realize consciously that you stand between two worlds. The spiritual (non-physical) and the physical. Everyone is going through a process of individual and collective growth for their well-being and for the well-being of your planet Earth. Each one of you must do their individual work so that the Collective Consciousness is able to unfold, release and manifest in the human perception. Through this pandemic each individual is to take responsibility for their choices, actions and reactions. The vibrational energies that each individual creates will either speed up the rebirth of the soul self along with the universal collective energy or it will continue to remain dormant and the planet will continue to exist as is.

Many individuals have kept their soul as a prisoner in their body because the human mind refused to collaborate with the higher awareness. The Higher Self has accepted in offering endless opportunities to the human personality to experience what lust, greed, selfishness, money, vanity, pain and ego can do in the hope that the human self would come to realize that this was not constructively serving their being. Instead your ego personality who always seeks to want to be control and is greedy continued to allow the human mind and ego to lead the journey which has reduced the life span opportunity that is able to be spent on earth in order to accomplish your purpose. The will of the Higher Self is seeking that you take a moment of reflection and see if your life is happy, healthy and fulfilled in the areas of your being of body, mind and soul. If you have been cultivating your efforts in doing your work for personal growth such as being optimistic, positive, self-confidence, trusting, love, peace, kindness, empathy, tolerance, respect, etc.. These multi vibrational energies all create balance and harmony in your being. Some individuals may have come to realize that this pandemic is nothing but a stage of various levels of rebirth and to learn personal responsibility. Some people are simply going with the flow trying to make the best of everything unaware that they are connected to their soul self. The soul self is joyful to go through this process of rebirth so it creates a feeling of joy that you are taking part in this sacred moment where you get to witness the transition of Mother Earth. In this joy you also feel the sadness of those who can’t or don’t want to be in that same space and vibrations you are in. If you are feeling afraid, worried and insecure you have not been nurturing your soul only occasionally. Though fear, anger and insecurities are part of your human form it does not control you when you are working to elevate and keep your vibrations at a higher dimension. For what you focus on will ALWAYS DOMINATE.

Many souls have agreed to join in for this global transition where they have agreed to be on the front line in offering their loving services or in offering their life as a means of allowing themselves to be contaminated by the virus in order to graduate to the afterlife. It is unfortunate that some individuals only become sensitive to what is happening in the world when they are personally touched by the pain of others. Very often these souls who choose to go forward to the next life during a storm is for the purpose to guide, support and transcend the human perception of their loved ones that are resisting in not wanting to make personal changes. The stubborn mind wants the world to change. But only when you wear the shoes of others you will know and feel their pain.

Collective Consciousness is calling on everyone to offer your loving energies in contributing on what makes you feel good in the giving of yourself for love, with love and in love. Your loving participation releases and manifests the vibrations of Light, Love and Unity – that all humanity is one Global family, in race, language and ideology.


= stay at home, and most of all stay calm, there is nothing to worry about because this shall pass like any other storm.
= reflect where you can create a better world for yourself and for those around you.
= turn your fears to opportunities for spiritual growth and human maturity.
= love each other and accept one another for everyone is unique but all equal and free.
= now is the time to re-consolidate with those you have not forgiven, make the step so that you can let go and heal.
= have gratitude for all that Life has given you. It’s the best way to kill the EGO.
= have compassion for those who are allowing themselves to be used in this pandemic which is bringing healing and transformation to everyone along to the planet Earth.
= it’s the time to realize that your criticisms and passing judgments contaminates you, the people and the planet.
= use this precious time to have conversations with your partner and kids, get to know each other so that you can enjoy each other’s company.
= use this time to raise your vibrations to believe, trust and be confident in your potentials so that you can  make your dreams come true.
= make use of this precious time to express what gives you joy, pleasure and happiness so that your vibrations will keep you ascended.
= unity is not about coming together in one place it’s about the union of hearts, minds and intentions for the purpose which is LOVE.
= now is the time to learn on how to balance your life, don’t be at one extreme or the other, harmony is the path.

Please share with one another your love, respect, wisdom and knowledge in doing so you are unifying each other and your multi-dimensional soul selves in reconnecting to the‘’I am Being’’ which is ONE Spirit
You are NOT ALONE, ”I am with you” working for you and in you. In the quietness of your human mind you will always hear me speak.

I am Light, Love and Divine Consciousness.

P.S. I am humbled, grateful and honored to have received this channeling.

I love you, Mary

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A Channeled Message – Life is Beautiful Even in the Midst of Crises

During this 2020 Unprecedented Time –

Your Soul has an Important Message for You the Personality

Your physical existence is about living in attunement with your inner being and the Natural Laws of Life so that you are always in communication with your complete self the body, mind, soul and spirit. Your inner being holds vibrations of courage, strength, wisdom, knowingness, love, generosity, creativity, joyfulness, effortlessness and is filled with self-esteem and self-acceptance. I can go on and on… You came to this planet to witness and enjoy what it has to offer. But along the way some people lost their true connection with who they are i.e. a Divine Spiritual Being.

Due to free-will and personal choice you can detour your journey by dragging it out of its pure nature by going through difficult experiences that are the result of your own choices, or you can keep your connection through love, harmony and goodwill. You alone can decide what you inwardly and outwardly desire to do and you alone will be responsible for your decisions and actions for your inner and outer life. In order to keep your communication with your divine self your divinity needs to express itself in your daily life through “Personal Choice” which is the freedom to be who you choose to be and to do what you choose to do.

Everyone has direct communication with their Divine Self, for each physical human being IS a physical manifestation of Divinity. The only difference between those who feel their communication and those who don’t is ”PRACTICE IN ALLOWING.”

Again, I am repeating to you that you are living in dynamic moments which will serve to change your human perception to Spiritual Consciousness which is your connection to the God Self in you. This is a period of revolution, your life is being altered according to what is happening for the transition of rebirth of everyone and of your Planet. Every religious and spiritual organization is being affected to update the TRUTH in their teachings. Each new experience is giving you the opportunity to move forward and adapt yourself to new ideas, views, truths and ways of life that access your connection to your inner being.

You have been already informed you that there is a difference between memorized knowledge and insight and that intellectual or theoretical understanding is NOT REAL knowingness. Your heart is alive; your mind is inert; the heart experiences and the mind conceptualizes; the heart joins together and the mind separates.Your heart is where your inner wisdom express through. Your emotions are sponsored by your thoughts while feelings are sponsored by the heart where reside love, forgiveness, understanding and wisdom. This is why you need to live in your heart rather than in your emotional or mental self so that the vibrations you create and transcend will protect you from being contaminated by lower negative vibrations. Fear is your greatest enemy and you are the creator of it. It lives in you because you give it life and only you can un-create it by raising your vibrations to your divine self. All energies that vibrate on higher frequencies of Light and harmony dominate the lower vibrations.

You have been made aware that the frequencies from microwaves, phones, smart phones, radios, tablets, computers, T.V, WiFi, remote controls and electrical items carry radiation frequencies. THEY ARE TOXINS that will eventually in time make your body ill. When these radiational frequencies reach their peak in your physical mechanism they will kill your body. It is not the Corona Virus that is killing people. Its your immunity that has been weakened by the toxins that you have been creating and attracting making your vibrational immune system weak to fight back.

Yet, even with the knowledge that it is harmful people still continue to live the same style of life and continue to use these gadgets to please the personality self. Become aware that overeating, over drinking, taking prescription drugs, and non-prescription drugs, smoking, stress, worries, and so on is NOT serving your being in a loving vibrational energy. This is the time for you and everyone else to move out of ignorance to wisdom and maturity by letting go of what does not serve your well inner being.

There are no failures in life only endless opportunities to choose to ”BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE AND DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO”

There are many individuals  who are experiencing feelings of disappointed in their human desires.

When you have a desire that hasn’t come forth it’s because your vibrational desire is getting in the way of that which you, the inner being is at work with. As long as you desire you are prolonging that which is already working for you from your inner being. This means you are not in a state of being open-minded and therefore you are not able to receive. Your inner being knows exactly what you want and need and is constantly working to give it to you. Your personality self is learning to know that you are more than your body – you are a spiritual creator creating what you want and don’t want.

Every moment of your life is a point of free-will, personal choice and responsibility which are your vibrational energies that can lead you to the state of enlightenment or disconnection with your inner being. Whether it is through sadness or joy, health or illness, pain or sacrifices, acceptance or rejection, love or despair, all contribute to lead you to a better state of alignment with your inner being. When your personality experiences the vibrational feeling that you are not grounded or in alignment distance yourself from what does not make you feel good or loving. For when you STOP focusing on the negative you are allowing your inner being to bring understanding, guidance and clarity to what is bothering you.

Here are some pointers that can help you in keeping your alignment.

= Let your inner self guide you where you need to be – stop allowing your personality to be  your guide.
= Throughout your daily experiences remember that you are not a body that has a soul, rather you are a soul that has a body.
= Whatever you do, do it because it makes you feel good, not because you need others to like or love you, or because you are afraid of their judgement. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Always be true to yourself.
= Your life expressed through ideas, views, beliefs, choices and actions demonstrates who you made yourself to be. At the end of each day re-evaluate yourself so that you can make the necessary changes you need to elevate your vibrational energies in order to be happy , healthy, prosperous and in alignment with who you are.
= Everyone who is in your life is a part of your multi vibrational field. When you don’t like someone change your vibrations of how you think of them and they will eventually change.
= When the people you love leave your surroundings, it is not because they don’t want you or love you it is because the vibrational energies are no longer compatible to each another due to focus of intention, aim or desires. Bless them and let them go.
= Your inner being does not justify who is right or who is wrong it simply loves everyone and does not get involved on how your human perception analyzes.
= If anyone has hurt you in the past regard this as a lesson to learn from. Do not pass on gossip, judgement or criticism on what they did; – leave the past where it belongs.
= Be open minded at all times so that you can allow yourself to receive.
= Stop focusing on your worries, as a creator of life you can create and manifest all that you want.
= Don’t let your surroundings change your vibrations for the worst, rather stay grounded and balanced.
= Live in the present, for the vibrational energies of empowerment and enlightenment are in the now.

I want you to know that you are not going to be the same person as you were yesterday and neither will your life be the same as it was, nor will the planet go back to how it was for these multi vibrational frequencies are constantly entering into the higher frequencies of energies for a better you, a better life and a better world. What will come through will be exactly what each individual will create in their vibrational field. My love is to serve you by helping you to remember who you are and where you come from so that you can be abundantly fulfilled in your earthly experiences but the choice is always yours to decide on who you want to be and do.

You, along with many other spiritualized minds, are receiving this truth, but each expressing it in their own academic words. There should be no copyright to this truth for the human mind is but a channelling for the spirit mind to communicate through in order to express itself. It’s not about the person who delivers the message. What is important is that the message gets delivered with purity of mind, love and caring in supporting the reawakening of the human mind, soul and planet. I trust you that you will continue to do your individual part in this Collective Rebirth.

I am Light, Love and Consciousness

P.S. Friends, I am humbly grateful and thankful to be the receiver of such wisdom. I am moved deeply by this channeling that is making ME become a better human being. I have lived through more than 2 and a half years of pain, suffering and sadness as I took care of my husband and my mom. Then, just recently, while we were in Florida, in another country and away from everyone, my son became very sick. I thought I was going to lose him also. It was a very difficult time. Now that it’s all over I have come to realize that through pain and suffering we become empowered and learn to trust the Universal Life of whatever is meant to be will be. This has lead me to where I stand now. I share this enlightenment with you because I want you also to be filled, as I am, with love, joy, happiness and knowingness that I am becoming a better human being aware of my spiritual roots and heritage.

I love you and bless you.

Mary Amato

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A Spiritual New Year Message

A Spiritual New Year Message!

What we call the end its actually a new beginning. Whether it’s a new hour, day, week, month or year. Its about living our purpose with sincerity, peace, love and respect. Which are some of the attributes that releases our Spirit self through our human personality. What we do in each unique moment is very important because we are exchanging that moment of our Divine identity for it. Each day is an opportunity that guide’s us to our goals as we use our abilities and potentials to empower ourselves to solve, heal and transcend our physical, emotional and mental dimensions to access our Divine Consciousness.

Don’t look back on what happened yesterday, because we can’t change it; don’t be concerned about tomorrow it hasn’t been born. Every wasted energy cannot be found again so stay focus on ”NOW”. Don’t associate yourself with people who are angry, envies, who enjoy competing with others or who take advantage of others by putting them down for their own personal gains. Don’t allow others to charm you by convincing you it’s so easy to achieve what you want. Be realistic, everything is achieved with time, trust, hard work, self-sacrifices and dedication.

Let go of worries, concerns, fear, sadness or insecurity. These vibrations drain your energy. Keep your thoughts, intentions and attitudes positive for they will enrich your vibrational energy field making things become easier for you to resolve and achieve.
Don’t take your life for granted nor those who really love you. Life is too short! We are here in a moment and gone in the next. No one wants to live a life of regrets. Be grateful for what you have and be thankful for your life. We don’t take anything with us that belongs to this physical world. As we depart from this earthly existence we bring with us the love and the spiritual awareness that we came to embrace as our truth to the spheres of Light.

Remember that we are creator’s and healer’s and we create our own happiness or unhappiness depending on how we use our innate potentials and abilities. The spiritual world is within us, our success and happiness lies within. Let’s continue to do our best by turning our motivation and attention to the inner world so that each one of us as we do our individual part the collective consciousness in which we are all ONE can shift the vibrations of this planet to a better environment for us to enjoy our earthly adventure.

From my heart to your heart and from my soul to your soul, I salute the Divine in you which is the Divine in me. I send each one of you my love, blessings and empowerment to live your existence as your God Self in which you were created from. The New Year represents a new chapter for all of us. Let us continue to write our stories of miracles in it.

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December – The Festivities of Light

December Represence the Festivities of Light

No matter what religion we believe in. Life is about LOVE and BROTHERHOOD. Our greatest gift to one another is Love which comes from being kind, gentle, accepting, understanding, respectful, honest and loyal to all our relationships.

Our identity is Divine Conscious which is about free will and choice. So there is one else who controls our life except ourself. How we use our free will and potentials is our responsibility. So life is what we make of it. Don’t depend on the president’s of each country, the religious leaders or governments to change the world. For each one of us is a world in itself, an intrinsic part of the universe. When each one of us does our personal part we shift our multi-dimensional vibrational energies of our surroundings to a better alignment with harmony. Let’s keep ourselves ongoing in creating ”CHANGE” that makes us become a better person for the harmonious alignment of our body, mind, soul and spirit. This is the continuity of the process of rebirth we are undergoing through our daily life. This year challenges has been about soul cleansing and the coming new year is the continuity of the soul cleansing along with some of the reaping of the harvest cycle of our hard work and efforts.

Remember you are a Divine Creator creating your journey through thoughts, intentions, choices, actions and reactions.

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Autumn cycle – Make Room for Spiritual Growth


We are celebrating the most beautiful season ”Autumn” the celebration of harvest and of transition, reminding us that our life is constantly going through major shifts of energy cycles. In other words each individual is going through stages of re-awakening, cleansing and surrendering for the new energy directions that are rebalancing  and healing our being in order that we can have deeper personal experiences that will help us with self-love, self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-mastery so that we are able to allow our Divine Self to manifest on this 3rd dimensional plane.

Those daily experiences that bring us sadness, fear, insecurities, resentments, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, etc., are our doorways to our freedom and independence when our personality (ego) learns to raise its vibrational energy field to be a match with our soul energy. Our path towards Self-enlightenment is an ongoing process.  Those experiences we call chaos in our life are positive energies when we stay neutral and detached to what is happening because they empower us to release our false masks, habits, beliefs, personal views, attitudes and behaviors so that we consciously connect with our Divine Consciousness. In other words our experiences teach us to stay in control of who we are. We are a spiritual energy being that is in full control of our journey. Don’t give your energy power away to someone or to experiences that will dominate you. When others are trying to empty their garbage on you take a graceful step back and allow them to develop at their own space and time but keep them in your heart and in your loving thoughts so that they can be empowered by your Light and Love in order to shift their views and vibrations to a state of harmony.

Keep in mind that our heart is the passage that connects our physical form to our Higher Self. Trust that the Universe is always orchestrating the perfect divine plan for each one of us. By keeping our energies and focus on higher ground we will soon take notice that every moment is releasing a new change that is attuning us to our Higher purpose and to our true identity as to who we are, where we need to be and what we need to do in order that we can serve others through what we have in common with one another which is our innate Divinity.

This year 2016 is a cycle for soul cleansing. There are only a few months left before we enter another New Year cycle. Let’s not waist our precious time. Life on earth is a joy, an opportunity and an adventure when we live it with our integrity.  I recommend that we become honest to our heart feelings, as well more kind and loving  with ourselves so that we can refine our personality (ego) to be wise, happy, healthy and attuned with our Divine Self. I wishing each one of you at this time of the year a wonderful transformation cycle!

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We Are Moving Through the Shift

the shift

So far for many people the year 2016 has been quite a journey. We have been hearing and reading some of the many major earth catastrophes: extreme weather changes as landslides, floods, tornados, earth quakes, wild fires, hurricanes and snow storms.  Istanbul’s airport was bombed. There were Paris terrorist attacks. The shooting in Orlando. The Zika virus disease is on the move.  Then there was the fall and instability of the stock market. Thousands of migrants have lost their lives and never got the opportunity to create a better home for themselves and for their loved ones. Not forgetting the suicide attack in Damascus, the Presidential election in the United States and the ongoing war in the Middle East. I can go on and on — all which is so heart breaking making us feel humanly weak in the hope of ever having peace and love on our planet.

Looking at all of this from the spiritual level these tragedies are due to the THE SHIFT that is occurring on our planet. It is to move us to a deeper ascension toward the Divine Consciousness into which we were all born.   During these unfortunate disasters if we choose to see them beyond the human perception we would feel the connection with our higher self that embraces the pain and sadness as a means of letting go; which is breaking free from the past giving the opportunity for rebirth to take place.

You may ask yourself: what can I do to help and support these heart breaking events? Our only role and responsibility is to live OUR HUMAN LIFE from dignity with self-respect, self-acceptance, self-love and self-knowledge so that we can offer our Divine selves.  From this perspective we serve in giving, supporting, assisting and upholding those that come to us for strength, courage, guidance and support. We cannot change anyone nor the world; we can only change ourselves through personal choice. When each human soul does their part we create harmony and the Natural Laws of Life automatically bring forth evolution, peace, health, harmony, happiness and divine order to all.

Wherever we are and whatever we are thinking, choosing, expressing or doing Ascension is always taking place. We do not need to take a course, or go somewhere to learn this. Just be conscious and aware of your focus in life, how you are thinking and reacting to issues and to those around you. Ask yourself if you are being true to your Divine Self.  It’s not our title or the position we hold that creates our personal growth.  It’s who we chose to be and what we choose to pursue that really matters.

You can make the shift become more positive and enlightening if you release your past emotions and focus on the present moment.  Focus on the NOW which is the reality of life.  Elevate your thoughts.  Deeper guidance and directions await you if you are open-minded. Keep your focus and concentration on what you want to achieve that will serve your highest good: spiritually, intellectually and physically.  Know that you deserve the best, you can have and be the best, you can and you will achieve this if it is your true desire.

Don`t give your power away to anyone or anything that makes you become negative so that you will not create negativity in your life.  Accept whatever happens in your life with love and peace.  As you go with the flow make the best of every opportunity.  Be gentle on yourself.

Rebirth demands patience, kindness and understanding. You will learn more about who you are becoming with love, forgiveness, non-judgment and self-acceptance by trusting your Divine self.  Let your life be the living example upon which Ascension is built.

No matter what happens, strive to stay calm, indifferent and neutral. Keep in mind the storm is happening outside of you. Within you are untouched. Remember the world is not looking for intelligent people who believe they have a lot of literature to share so they they can empower their ego. Ascension is for those people who seek to humbly serve, to offer their wisdom and endless unconditional love, compassion and caring first to themselves in order to pass it on to others. Become the change that you seek. The universe will honor and respect you for who you are.

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My Best Wishes for the Holiday Season – 2015

This is my heartfelt wishes for every human being on the plant for the coming New Year 2016 which is just around the corner.

–  that you will give yourself the greatest gift of life which is self-love, self-acceptance, self- esteem and self-respect.
–  that your journey of life be filled with soul companions supporting, empowering and blessing you in every experience of your life that is serving for your Highest good.
–  that your human awareness has no intimidation to fear, insecurity, doubts or lack of self-trust.
–  that you are always anchored to peace, love, joy, happiness, confidence and well-being of body, mind and soul.
–  that your emotions are always filled with forgiveness, tolerance, patience, understanding and continuity for the achievement of all that you desire.
– that you are attuned to all dimensions of Light experiencing the connection of loved ones, masters, sages and angelic beings.
–  that you live in the realization of knowingness that you are a Divine Spiritual Energy Being having a human experience on the 3rd dimensional plane (Earth).
–  that you are perfect, whole and complete.
–  that next to God you come first for you are the most important person to yourself.
–  that you are unique and loved not only for what you do but for who you are.
–  that your thoughts are pranic energy power that creates all intentions, desires and wants.
–  that no one can hurt you unless you give your personal power away to them.
–  that you will emotionally detach in order to become your divine spiritual self.
–  that you cannot change anyone but you can change people on how you make them feel and that they will never forget that.

Every moment is a sacred moment to stop pretending who you believe you are and start knowing who you really are. We all are Divine Light, Unconditional Love and Divine Consciusness. Every individual soul regardless what we have chosen as race, language, culture or tradition we are a Spiritual Energy Beings’s having an earthly exprience. Each one of us has so much to offer, every effort we make, every step we take cultivating our innate divinity has a profound impact on our daily experiences and on the identity we become. It’s not about what religion you profess or what creeds or dogmas you believe and follow. It’s about spirituality: “what does spirituality mean to you and how do you stand with you’re Divine self?” Let your heart be the guiding force of Life. Allow LOVE to enter into your physical mind and human emotions (ego). Each one of us need to do our part so that we can CHANGE THIS WORLD. Please join with me in doing what you can to create a better life for youself first so that you can assist others in recreating their journey.

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What is the Meaning of Easter, Passover and Spring

There are times when we question ourselves why certain people who are in our life seem not to care for us no matter how much we do to help them. We keep demonstrating our love, respect and kindness to them whenever they approached us. But they feel as if we are their enemy or we feel as if they are our enemies. We can give them our life and still they choose not to be our friends. It’s not about what we have done wrong to them that makes them react this way towards us. It’s about our vibrational energies that are not compatible to each other because we don`t have the same views, beliefs, aspirations and the same level of spiritual growth so our vibrational energies are not harmoniously parallel to one another. In order words they are not a match to our vibrations. In such situation don`t take it personally, it’s not your fault or the others. You cannot change them, so let them go and allow them to be who they are. Love and respect them for who they are and not for what they do. Keep your distance from them and accept the fact that not everyone who we love will love us back. Respect yourself by taking a step back when the environment is not the place that empowers you. Don`t allows your energies to be contaminated through the toxins of others. It is best to be temporally alone then to have the inappropriate influence that will make us become a worst companion to ourselves.

This is a time to reflect and Celebrate!

To some people the spiritual holiday is a time to be off work for a few days and for others it has a deeper meaning to the celebration. Easter, Passover and Spring have the same meaning which is celebrating ”a new beginning.”. Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad along with many other prophets were messengers of God. They all came to reveal the journey to the Divine Consciousness. Passover and Easter is celebrated at the same time because Jesus was a Rabbi. The Church proclaims that Jesus came on Earth to suffer in order that our sins may be forgiven. Religion has made Jesus to be our saviour, where Spirituality teaches us that we are our own saviour when we live from the Christ Consciousness (Self-Awareness). We are not responsible to what other’s do. We are only responsible to ourselves. Many people believe that Spirituality and Religion are the same. Spirituality is a NEUTRAL vibrational energy. Instead some Religions intimidate you to be afraid of God if you don’t follow their laws. Religions are institutions that have to be maintained and protected by humans. They are in competition with each other. So many of them that exist in the world today cannot nurture the soul self, the human peace and the spirit of the brotherhood of man for they all claim to have special privileges.

Spirituality teaches us that Jesus lived his incarnated human life according to the awareness of the Christ Consciousness (Self- Awareness and Self-Attunement) that his human personality composed of attitudes, behaviors, character and perception represented a being of Light, Unconditional Love, Self-Understanding and Self-Approval which are all examples to the teachings of the Christ Consciousness as one connection to the Divine Self. When we are connected to the Christ Consciousness (Self-Knowingness and self-Awareness) as one with the Source we become a deity of Light, Unconditional Love and Divine Consciousness.

Our Earth Planet is entering a new era where we are all being led to the Christ Consciousness (Self-Awareness and Self-Enlightment). Though it might represent some challenges but they are opportunities for personal redemption in order to gain wisdom to the connection with the Source we call God.
We are in a time of ”revelation” where Divine Love is making its way into our human heart through the paths of compassion, forgiveness and humbleness which were the major teachings and examples of Jesus. Didn’t he say: ”that what I do, you also can do!” The world is quickly changing, but many people do not believe they need to change so this creates a resistance to the Light frequencies that are descending on our planet that is to set us free from fear, hate, greed and illusion.

Let us take this time to remove obstructions on our journey in order to reshape our life:

Take this time to re-evaluate your life and where you wish to make the changes.
– become a better person to yourself in order to be an inspiration to others.
– let go of the old addictions in order to regain your energy power back.
– focus on your life and not on what others do.
– be free and don’t compete with anyone and allow others to be free
– do not miss use your energy power by stuffing yourself with egotistical fantasies
– develop your creativity in order that you may feel happy and contented
– let go of the need for approval in order to create your own journey
– choose to live healthier and become more responsible to your actions
– be present in every moment in order to live fully the NOW
– maintain the presence of self-love, self-esteem and self-respect in every moment
– contribute your peace in order to receive peace
– live from integrity and not from your human intellect and emotions
– serve your spirit in order to be successful in the world
– allow joy to be present in every experience on your journey of life

Love is not about having everything or experiencing everything to be perfect at all times. Its about being able to face whatever comes to us and to treat every difficulty as an opportunity that will lead us to a better place with deeper understanding of ourselves and what we desire. Our needs are not about being happy and at peace, our needs are about LIVING OUR TRUE LIFE which is the essence in which we come from (Spirit), then we will be happy and fulfilled. May you realize that you are LOVE and filled with endless joy and blessings to live a Happy existence on this 3rd dimensional plane.

To each and every one of you I wish you peace and a happy and enriching spiritual rebirth

Please join us in being part of this spiritual meet-up group

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christmas plant

A Spiritual Inspiration for the New Year 2015

It’s a new year and it will be a good one for all those who choose to raise their bar of thoughts and energy level. ”It’s about out with the old and in with the new” and that includes everything that isn’t serving you at the highest level: spiritually, mentally, intellectually, emotionally and materially. Now is the time to make the choice to begin to ”RELEASE” your emotional baggage. Some of these baggage are what we call ”by products” of fear, insecurity, old truth, addictions, overeating, stress, gambling, over spending, self-rejection, unforgiving, anger and so on… Take a look of where you are and see where you can improve. For only ”YOU” know the answer. You may feel that you no longer fit your relationship with your partner; or you may be unhappy with your job; or you were refused a raise in your academic work; or you feel stuck somewhere in your human journey; or you simply out grew the tasks you are at work with and now you feel you are ready to move forward to new challenges. Don`t think that challenges are easy. They can become difficult when you resist, only when you are willing to dedicate your time, energy and good-will toward ”change” it will become easier in the process that is transmuting the shift of awareness. When we leave behind our baggage we also leave behind our suitcase that carried our pains by ”removing the stories of what took place yesterday’s”, this is called ”letting go”. Only after we release we are able to look back with a sense of joy, gratitude and appreciation for the feeling of being free from the past. Each small step we make in moving forward reinforces our human personality with self-confidence and self-assurance towards our innate potential and abilities. We often fail to keep our goals because we try to do too much at once and don’t give ourselves enough credit for the little steps. Our ego personality distracts us when its expectations are not met because its easily manipulated by insecurity. We must not be intimidated by our human challenges. As we enjoy the challenges of the video games on our computers, cell Phones, or IPod’s so we should enjoy the same passion for our human experiences. Perhaps the greatest challenge is to remember ”who am I”. Every decision we make is not a decision about what to do its about ”Who You Are.” May you come to realize that you are a Cosmic Consciousness that never changes, we already are perfect, whole and divine in our spiritual identity for our spirit contains the spirit of God when we live at the Cosmic Heart of God where we are all ONE. The real mission that we are on is ”experiencing this 3rd dimensional sphere called Earth”. This tiny part of us that is here holds the connection to our eternal self. There is no duality when we are connected to our Unconditional Love Consciousness. Based on FREE-WILL we alone make the choice on who we want to be.



Inspiration for the month of December 2014

All of us in various ways are standing at some point of a crossroad in our journey of life. It is important to remember that a turning point is referred to as a place of ”reflection” and ”decision”. We all make decisions everyday which creates our future, but often some of these decisions create pain, illness, anger, frustration, rejection, etc.. while others produces, peace, love, health, happiness and loving relationships. Through these turning points we are encouraged to re-examine our past, present and future as to what we aspire, desire to be and create in our life. As our planet Earth is undergoing a shift we are living in historical times as each individual being is finding their spiritual path back to their innate divinity. Though many people believe that this year 2014 has been a difficult year for them you must get ready to accept what 2015 will bring for the cleansing of our vibrations will be an on going experience until our ego has reached maturity. I would like to remind everyone that we are a temporary resident of Earth, so we must remember that we are here only for a short period of time as a guest in someone’s home (Earth). In other words we should always be on our best behaviour; have good manners towards all; our voice and speech should be soft, polite, graceful and respectful; our actions should be graceful and courteous; our living area should be cleaned, tidy and uncluttered; we surely do not want to pollute or spoil the surroundings of our quest’s home (Earth). Since this is our true spiritual nature it would be very easy for us to release these qualities if we remember who we are and where we come from. If the Earth planet is to change it cannot be done with people who are preachers and dictators. We must learn to use our heart in everything that we do for it is the connection to our soul self and to the presence of God. When the heart is filled with anger, resentment, fear, doubt, insecurity, it is closed. It cannot radiate our Divine Self so we create a journey that reflects our energy field. To make this world a better place, humankind (ego) has to turn to the spirit within. Life is what you make of it! So let your Light shine forth and your journey will be filled with peace, love and happiness. I call on each one of you to do your part, be the best you can be, trust your innate abilities and potentials, go with the flow; know when to let go and let God s and enjoy the journey! After all they are just human experiences on the 3rd dimensional plane. We are visitors on the planet, our identity is greater than our human experiences. This is the season for love and forgivingness which releases a rebirth in our awareness. May you give yourself the greatest gift of life which is ”SELF-LOVE AND SELF-RESPECT” and may you offer your greatest gift which is LOVE to everyone you meet. Remember you are a Divine Creator creating your journey through thoughts, intentions, choices, actions and reactions. Your beauty and identity is reflected in your energy not in your looks


walk in the park

Autumn Season

We are experiencing a shift in our vibrational frequencies and those of the world around us. Summer is coming to an end and the fall season is about to begin.  All of these energies are leading us to a deeper insight of our own personal growth and self-understanding. We are frequently experiencing highs and lows in our energy field due to the challenges facing us as we release old habits and attitudes that can no longer serve us well as we embark on our new mission. The shift of the in-between season resets our vibrations to a higher energy frequency. That is why our emotions, feelings, surroundings and overall spiritual disconnection are felt so intensely.  This may manifest as emotional meltdowns such as depression, disagreements, arguments, health issues, instability, loss and even regression. On certain days we feel like we are hanging by a thin thread. Other days we feel much calmer, more positive and are able to maintain our loving energies. We then assume that the cycle of challenges has ended only to realize that it starts all over again. These are challenging times because humanity as a whole is trying to evolve and improve. The Light energy is constantly cleansing, healing and releasing layers at a time in our being so that we can achieve our goal of self-understanding, self-attunement and self- enlightenment. We feel the global cleansing because we are one collective consciousness of vibrational energy. There is a human expression that says: “We cannot divorce ourselves from the government nor can we divorce ourselves from the world” and that is why we must let our light shine so that those whose minds are still struggling with their human desires and ego may be empowered. We didn’t come to Earth to create what ego desires but rather to release our own Spiritual enlightenment. Enlightenment is not about leadership, power or owning titles or diplomas or being superior to others. Enlightenment is exemplified by how we lead, how we use our power, and how loving our actions are, keeping in mind that our actions speak louder than words. As we confront our personal experiences we must always ask ourselves whether our decisions are based on our ego or our divine power. Ask yourself are you competing or co-creating. So ”Let Your Light Shine”. ACCEPT and LEARN to go with the flow. If we choose to delay what is required of us, then the universe will give us a ‘’wake-up call’’ to bring it to our attention. This is the reason why the universe created my accident in Thailand. There was a plan that was to be released but I was too busy to listen and even though intuitively I knew I went ahead against myself anyway. The accident, though painful, came about for my own personal well-being.

Therefore let us be vigilant and keep these points in mind:

–            Do not allow your mind to be contaminated by the toxic thoughts of others. Send them Light and Love.  Keep to yourself and keep away. Allow them the permission to live their own experiences.

–            Do not desire to do what others are doing.  Do what makes you (heart) happy and be unique in how you do it even if everyone is against you.

–           Aspire to accomplish what you are being inspired to do so keep a watch over your desires – see if they resonate with your heart and soul.

–           Do not ignore your inner child for it needs your love, care and attention because it’s your Divine Light and Energy that empowers your personality (ego)

. –           Do not abuse your physical body – it is the temple of the soul. Keep yourself in harmonious alignment with your spirit

. –          Do not give your personal power away to anyone. Life is your gift from God. Live it and let your Light shine forth.

–           Accept your life and your eternal existence. You cannot change what you don`t acknowledge. When you accept yourself the universe accepts you

. –           Do not assume or predict your future.  Life is the moment, not yesterday or tomorrow. Let your soul guide you.

–           Keep your focus on what serves you best and that concentration will become your energy power to manifest your intention.

–           Love and respect yourself.  This sends a powerful message as to how others should treat you.



Inspirational Message for the New Year

The year 2014 is about choosing to move forward. Its about learning to rely on oneself” and ”not” on others. Its about releasing your old perception that people have a duty or an obligation to support you whenever you feel you need assistance. Relying on others makes you co-dependent rather you need to become independent. We have come to this incarnation to release our energy power to physical form.  The new year is about releasing the leach you have on the past. The past is about preparing us for the future. If our roots (the integrity of our reality) is not grounded our life will not bring forth the fruits of our spiritual identity. If we have bitterness within ourselves we will be bitter on others and we will bring forth bitter fruits. People who love themselves have no reason to be rude, judge or criticize others or themselves. Our human self needs material possessions, like shelter, food, sex and money. Our spiritual self craves for freedom,  love, harmony, purity and the re-connection to the divine source in which we come from. This life is about bring the duality to oneness. Take an inventory and ask yourself, do you feel that you have a good balance between your human and spiritual self? If you are feeling stuck, frustrated, negative, hipper, procrastinating it is likely you are unbalanced. So create a new vision or template of yourself. Begin to pay more attention on what is happening within yourself. We are not able to control the outside of ourselves until we have mastered our feelings within as it is not possible to change anything until we understood the meaning of what we wish to change. Stop hammering yourself on what you haven’t done or achieve instead appreciate what you have been able to do. Gently every day bring yourself to do another step towards the directions of your goal. Keep your emotions grounded and we do it by creating our physical surroundings to be our spiritual home for then it expresses I am a spiritual being having an earthly adventure. This earth year is about learning to take control of our physical form and material surrounding so that the awareness of self-mastery will flow through the physical ego personality.

Words for  Stimulating Self-Awareness:

= From the presence of my soul self I call forth the willingness, intentions, ideas, choices,    wisdom and the reality of all that I am.

= From the heart of my soul self I choose to release the human emotions that will express    unconditional love and divine respect to all life forms.

= From my soul mind I call forth the consciousness of divine truth, self-realization and self-enlightment to the personality Self

= From the presence of my eternal spirit within my soul I call forth my divine spiritual energy being in which I am to physical form.



We are Reawakening to Self-Realization’’

We are presently entering into another shift of frequency energy field as we are welcoming the season of autumn which is the cycle of harvest. We are also witnessing that our planet is continuing undergoing opportunities for cleansing and evolution as we hear of all the disasters that are taking place throughout the world and especially the one in Egypt where so many hundreds of people have lost their life and over a thousand five hundred injured. All this is part of the continuation where the human mind need to raise its awareness to spiritual thinking so that we can live through the heart and not through the human brain and ego. Many human beings choose to act as little children which makes them to be adolescents (not at the biological state but at the human emotional level). Other people desire to experiment life only on the intellectual and emotional level, others desire to play games for their fame and glory as others want to learn through personal challenges and error in order to reach spiritual enlightment. This explains why we have many contradictions and problems in our world. Our spiritual evolution takes place through the heart and not through the human brain, it must be “authentic’’ in every level of thought, words and action. Though the world holds many religions but the one that expresses “Love and Brotherhood” is the greatest of them all. We are either hearing, reading or seeing so much of manipulation, hostility and power control taking place in many nations, governments, institutions, and corporations but if we look closely, we will also see it in ourselves. Releasing our ego will result in the ascension back to Self-Realization (Self-Enlightenment. This new shift we are presently entering into is about the “yin” and the “yang” coming to harmonious balance. The yang energy (masculine) is mostly controlling the physical world and the yin energy (feminine) is a refined energy that is entering our human world bringing pure meaning of love, beauty and identity to all life creation. Because our world is shifting so rapidly, many of us are searching to find out what will happen to our future. We seek to re-evaluate ourselves, our life, career, religion and spiritual truth. Each one of us are going through various stages in our own personal evolution. The purpose of our incarnation is to consciously reactivate and stimulate all channels that connect to our soul self so that we can allow our human self to experience our Divine potentials which is to serve for the highest good of our being of body, mind, emotions and soul. When we were created we were fully aware of the knowingness of who we are i.e. mind, body, soul and spirit – a divine being in a human body. What happened to us afterward? Because we chose to live from the human self we forgot who we were, where we came from and why we are here. The more we identify ourselves with the physical world the more we lose sight of who we are and the meaning of life and its purpose.

Ask yourself do you feel you are awake, aware, and involved with your soul self in the various roles of your life or whether you feel lost, confused or stagnating. When you contact your soul you realize that you the soul self has orchestrated various lessons during your lifetime in order to assist your human self in order to bring forth your purpose as to what you are to do and accomplish in this human journey.  But the human self need to surrender in order to allow the soul you to take control. Surrendering to your soul self allows you to stop fighting with yourself. You cannot have the crown of life without the cross which is the crucifixion of the immaturity of our human ego.  In life we all have a cross to bear in order to integrate Ascension.  Therefore whatever happens in life, you accept it by blessing it. Only that which you give away, you possess. Knowledge without wisdom results in disconnection. Always remain in a state of “KNOWING”. You are a ‘’Light Being”. Just simply “BE” not from an ego standpoint but from the heart. It is in the 4th dimension (heart chakra) of consciousness that we access our soul but it is in the 5th dimension (throat chakra) of consciousness that we become “mature adults” or “wise souls”. The greatest challenge that the 21th century is bringing us is to learn and master our human consciousness and every unique moment we are given this opportunity. Every day we are consciously or unconsciously creating our future. I encourage you to move out of your human belief so that you can have access to your soul self. By choosing to give yourself the growth of self-transformation you are creating a reality of a loving fulfilled future.

In your daily life practice by being consciously present in every moment through every thought, in each experience, with every individual and emotions.

*  Look for the good within yourself so that you can see it in the soul of each individual that enter into your journey of life.

* Do what’s good for you and focus your attention on taking care of your life before you can take care of others.

* Choose to live from a state of neutrality which is a non-reactive place where you observe things without getting involved in passing judgement, criticism or condemn. Be like the tree when the wind blows the roots are grounded and the tree moves with the breeze undisturbed by the storm.

* do not resist the change but persist

* trust your connection with your soul you

* believe and have confidence in your potentials and abilities

* don’t desire to change anyone rather be the change you want to be you are not here to save anyone or the world only yourself.

* be reminded that it’s not reading or learning about knowledge that will make you become enlightened it’s in practicing your knowledge that you will reach enlightenment.

* in you is the power that brings forth the achievement of all your wishes and desires.


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  F R I E N D S

A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON … It is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are! They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered. And now it is time to move on. When people come into your life for a SEASON … Because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. -author unknown



“Have You Reached Where You desire to Be?”

It is said that there  are many paths to God-realization. Some choose to travel paths through the Kabbalah, Christianity, Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, etc. Whether we worship Christ, Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Siva, Tao or Jehovah, etc… We recognize that our innate divinity is our ultimate goal. Each soul has its own wish of attainment. To some it’s the reality of being like the Masters; to others is the work of achieving freedom and liberation from the fetters of ancient limitations or barriers; for others sowing the seeds of love, kindness and forgiveness, and for others it is simply the desire to live quietly and happily. Some seek the reality of becoming healers, or to others it is the understanding of the natural and spiritual laws of life; while others desire to move forward unto purer and closer realization of their search for spiritual truth. Some people think that they are being spiritually led by dabbling into so-called “psychic powers”. The ego, which is connected to physic powers, needs to be controlled and disciplined; otherwise, it hinders the development of the soul. The spiritual path is about altruism, love, compassion, empathy, forgiving and it has nothing to do with psychic powers. The entire purpose of evolution is to unfold that God-spark essence of who we are, that each one of us was created in his image. Some believe they will find their god-self through various religious services or by sitting in a class for spiritual development or even by offering their services to humanity. One can be sincere, devoted, and true to ones’ heart, but still not be on the right  track Our physical journey on earth is a spiritual path of self-purification and self-transformation on all levels of consciousness. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing, accepting and learning to understand our identity and ultimately        transforming our Lower Self or the shadow side of our physical nature to unite with our God nature. Our soul yearns for deeper and more loving relationships with our body, mind and spirit, but our emotions desire physical love, happiness and pleasures in material riches. Ultimately, when the physical nature has been satisfied, then we desire to seek our sense of purpose for our life that only comes with intimate contact with our Creator. We need to remind ourselves constantly of who we are, in order to resonate with our true essence (Spiritual Energy Being). We are Light, Love, Energy and Will that creates Consciousness. We are not people, we are soul expressing ourselves through a vehicle called the body and everything that we have acquired in our life lies within us expressing ourselves through our personality and character traits. Our personality is not any different from us the soul. Each time we express the good in us, we allow our soul to radiate. When we choose to express ego and immaturity, our Light diminishes. Our soul is a love center expressing infinite possibilities. As we increase our love, each one of us becomes a love force on the planet. Our world is in desperate need of living at a higher vibration of love awareness and action. We can only help to transform the world, when we are ready to transform ourselves. We need to love ourselves first and then, we need to live authentically, which means being true to ourselves in what we believe as ”TRUTH”. I strongly believe that our life is as meaningful as we make it. Divine truth is achieved through a process of spiritual cycles of evolution. When we are born, we have forgotten where we came from and who we are, and therefore the first cycle is about learning to re-awaken our spiritual birth, that life is eternal and that we don’t die. Only the body dies. The Second cycle is about having the experience of our spiritual soul self  so that we can have the realization that we are eternal beings. The third cycle is searching for our identity and true purpose on earth. Many souls get trapped in the low astral (ego) levels, because they believe that by using their rational mind they are living their purpose. Soul consciousness is working with your higher intuitive self. This connection is attained when you work from the fourth dimension, which is the heart chakra the bridge that connects your soul and Divine Self. There, the ego has learned to give way to spiritual mind and love and not rational mind or physical emotions. It has surrendered to the calling of innate divinity where the soul lives to express spiritual love, forgiveness and compassion and through examples brings forth its spiritual nature. That is why we have so many conflicts between religious leaders in some of the        spiritual organizations, because of ego desiring to dominate and compete. Ego is always in competition in wanting to be better than others. It is so easy to lose oneself because of the vibrations of immaturity, greed and selfishness because they vibrates on the surface of the earth. Only when you spiritualize your ego can you raise your potentials to higher energies where you connect with your soul self abilities which is a higher form of soul development. That is why clarity, caution and discipline is of outmost importance for maintaining true and pure spiritual connection. At the heart level which is the higher self you have: –   A deeper understanding of you the soul. –   A sense of purpose of what life is and what your life is about. –   The achievement of a deeper sense of peace and serenity of being. –   Gained a deeper ability to perceive meaning in life experiences. –   Attained a meek willingness to be of service to humanity and its needs. –   Realized the value of your personal contribution  and identity to the world. Below is an example of the difference between religious beliefs and the awareness of Spiritual Self which is self-enlightment. Religion has taught us to pray to God that He alone can put peace into the world. Spiritual Self:     “I transcend my energy of peace to everyone in the world” Religion:              “God heals the sick” Spiritual Self:   “I extend my healing energies to those who are sick” Religion:            “God protect those who are travelling” Spiritual Self:   “I send my energy of protection to those who are travelling” Religion:            “May we be forgiven of our faults” Spiritual Self:   “I forgive myself for my immaturity or weaknesses” Religion:             “God bless us all…” Spiritual Self:   “I transcend the blessings of  my spirit upon humanity” Religion:            “I ask God to healing my body” Spiritual Self:    “I the Spiritual Energy Being, accelerate every molecular cell, atom,  proton and enzyme of my body to perfect life” Religion:             “I pray for strength, courage and clarity” Spiritual Self:    “I call forth the strength, courage and clarity of my Divine Spirit” Religion:             “God, inspire me with your love and teachings” Spiritual Self:    “From the Consciousness of  Unconditional Love in which I was created, I bring forth this love to my physical form. I am the presence of Pure Being and within this presence, I call forth Divine Truth to my human self”. You must think, speak and act from the awareness of which you are (Spiritual Energy Being). I hope that this little example has given you some insight of seeing the difference between the human reality and its illusion of truths and our spiritual Self that comes from God. Whatever school of knowledge you have chosen to pursue, let it be for your highest good and divine achievement. Keep in mind that rational thought and ego are the same. They interfere with self-knowledge and self-illumination. You allow your ego to evolve by seeking spiritual truth and teachings. Remember “You become that which you search for.” You are the Light of Creation. Be the Light that you were meant to be. Reminder: –    we are interdependent. –    we must take individual responsibility for all that we do. –    we need to treat others as we want others to treat us. –    we need to consider humanity to be one global family. –    we must strive for a social as well an economic order in which everyone has the equal chance of reaching their potentials. –    we need to commit ourselves to a culture of equality, love, peace, respect and justice. –    our earth world cannot change for the better unless the human awareness of each individual is changed first. I came across this poem which I would like to share with you. “Everybody Knows” author unknown –  You cannot be all things to all people. –  You cannot do all things at once. – You cannot do all things equally well. – You cannot do all things better than everyone else. So: –  You have to find out who you are and be that. –  You have to decide what comes first and do that. –  You have to discover your strengths and use them. –  You have to learn not to compete with others. –  Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*. Then: –  You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness. –  You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions. –  You will have learned to accept your limitations and make the best of what you can do. –  You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is yours. –  In addition, you have learned to be a good human being.


Mary Amato

My “Thank You” List to Everyone Who Has Come Into My Life!

Everyone that we meet in our paths of life is our teacher. Whether they stay for a reason, a season or a life time. Our task is to recognize the teachings that they bring by using the wisdom that the opportunity brought us by recreating a better life for ourselves. I honour everyone that gave me the opportunity to choose” what is best for me. We don’t always see the results of our efforts until we have achieved a certain understanding of our personal evolution which comes through endless efforts in time, energy, dedication and good-will. From you I have learned that:

  • You have taught me to “accept” my imperfections when I couldn’t offer you better.
  • You taught me to learn to “forgive” when you blamed me for things I did not do.
  • You taught me to have “patience” when you kept insisting on your way.
  • You taught me that making money is “not” the same as creating a loving life.
  • You taught me to be “tolerant and understanding” is more important than fighting about who’s right.
  • You taught me that we don’t see things as they are, but rather we see things as “we are”.
  • You taught me that “I am” the power over my life when I made you more important over myself.
  • You taught me to “love myself” for who I am.
  • You taught me to be “sincere and loyal” to my feelings when we disagreed.
  • You taught me that I “can defend myself” when you remained silent and undisturbed to what was happening with me.
  • You taught me to be “autonomous” when I needed your support.
  • You taught me that everyone has “free-will expression” when you argued on things that you had no idea.
  • You taught me to be “compassionate” to your misunderstandings.
  • You taught me that you are my “friend” even when you were dishonest with me.
  • You taught me “unconditional love” when you criticized and passed judgment on me without a rational reason.
  • You taught me to “love you” for who you are and not for what you do.
  • You taught me to be “free” when I gave you my blessings to feel free.
  • You taught me “reassurance” that you didn’t need me when you ignored my communications.
  • You taught me that you “are” the world for me though I may not be the world for you.
  • You taught me that you may forget what I have done, but I will “never” forget how I made you feel.
  • You taught me to “trust” when situations were undergoing a change.
  • You taught me to “accept” and go with the flow as Life was moving me to new opportunities.

Don’t wait for the end of the journey to cultivate your soul garden. The cycle of harvest is the ripening of your efforts, willingness and determination for the achievement of your Self-Realization. Because you are the creator of your experiences. Life manifests exactly that which you have employed yourself.

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(photo from Miracle Garden in Dubai)

“How Can You Be a Loving Support To Others”

Our Spiritual Self is composed of Divine Realization, Truth, Unconditional Love, Harmony and  good-will. The Place of the Heart of God is to be formed out of the conviction of  our hearts and the walk of our life in a Sacred Journey.  Teachers are to operate as a spiritual,  educational, and counseling center’s for alternative healing and to empower  gatherings of a spiritual nature, as we travel toward Oneness. True spiritual  teachers know nothing of a self-promoting spirit. They are born of devotion and live from love. If the spiritual teacher is not harmoniously  aligned with his highest self he will often break down. Spiritual teachers need to stay grounded in their faith and integrity and work from dignity in order to  remain connected to their spiritual Self. They not only teach through their minds but  through their hearts. They desire to make the world a better place to live by  inspiring others with their life and choices. God does not need teachers, leaders,  ministers, etc. to do his work that He alone can do. He needs receptive vehicles  who are open-minded and good examples to work through. Our physical bodies are channel’s for the energies to flow through. As spritual energy beings we  are all teachers and everyone has something to teach in the world whether it is  done by loving examples or by misrepresentation of spiritual education and  truth. But Through the Law of Attraction Life brings soul groups together where there is a strong connection of uniform vibrations. Only when we  leave this world can we see everything clearly on the teachings and  guidance we left behind in this physical plane. Spiritual teachers are examples  of spiritual laws and they emulate the examples of “Spiritual Love”, they never take or  ask for material or financial reward. No one is a true individual; we are all  parts of a whole for we are all one collective unit of souls on a spiritual physical  journey. What we do unto others we are doing to ourselves. A spiritual mind  never uses spiritual knowledge for selfish reasons. A wise mind is a soul who  has become tolerant of everyone. The mind that avoids faultfinding;  enjoys learning on how to improve itself; loves people for who they are; turns  problems into opportunities; practice being contented; looks forward to new  opportunities to improve themselves; lives in the moment; restrained from criticism or belittling  others and learns from its own mistakes without repetition is the soul who has  acknowledge the observation of “Self”. To be aware of self is to be aware as you  watch your bodily activities: the way you walk, what you see, think,  rationalize, feel and move yourself. It is to hear the words you use to express  yourself, to observe all your thoughts, all your emotions, and all your  reactions. It includes the awareness of the unconscious, with its traditions,  its instinctual knowledge, and the immense sorrow it has accumulated not only  through personal sorrow, but the sorrow of all men. You cannot be aware of yourself if you are  merely judging, evaluating, or saying,   “This is right and that is bad, this I agree  and that I will reject,”  all of which only makes the mind very dim and insensitive to the spiritual awareness. From awareness comes attention. Attention  flows from awareness when in that awareness there is no choice, no personal  choosing, no experiencing, but merely observing. And, to observe, you must have a calm and silent mind.  A mind that is caught in ambition, greed,  envy, in the pursuit of pleasure and self-fulfillment, with its inevitable  sorrow, pain, despair, anguish——such a mind has no space in which to observe or  to attend. It is crowded with its own desires, going round and round in its own  backwaters of reaction. You cannot attend if your mind is not highly sensitive,  sharp, reasonable, logical, sane, and healthy, without the slightest shadow of  neuroticism. The mind has to explore every corner of itself, leaving no spot  uncovered, because if there is a single dark corner of one’s mind which one is  afraid to explore, from that springs illusion. It is only in the state of  attention that you can be a light unto yourself, and then every action of your  daily life springs from that light—— every action——whether you are doing your  job, going for a walk or whatever you will do. This whole process is conscious  soul living. Avoid faulty attitudes in those who call  themselves teachers: – Being like an upside down vessel: refusing to learn and evolve. – Being like a leaking vessel: forgetting about love and respect and showing no  interest in personal responsibilities. – Being like a polluted  vessel: being very prejudiced and believing to know everything and everyone else is wrong. A good spiritual friend who will help us to  stay on the path, with which we can discuss our difficulties, sure of a  compassionate response, provides an important support system, which is often  lacking. A really good friend is like a mountain guide. The spiritual path is  like climbing a mountain: we don’t really know what we will find at the summit.  We have only heard that it is beautiful, everybody is happy there, the view is  magnificent and the air unpolluted. If we have a friend who has already climbed  the mountain, he can help us avoid falling into a crevasse, or slipping on stones, or getting off the path. The one common antidote for all our hindrances  is noble friends and noble conversations, which are healthy food for the human mind.” When our intention is to help to bring out the  best in others at times it is best to step back and allow others to be who they  are and to allow them to learn through their ups and downs of life’s lessons.  For only when we go through the pain of struggling we become open-minded and  vulnerable to learn our lessons. We should always stand as spiritual  teachers ready in giving of ourselves especially in those moments when we are  not always welcomed in the acceptance of our support. It is here that we  emotionally let go and let God do his work.

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lilac tree Welcome!   2013  ”Are You Reconcilating Your relationship  With Your Spiritual Self ?” No matter what our perspective or philosophy may be, the race we chose to belong to, the language we choose to speak we must all weave together with love in order to create harmony and synchronicity to form the spirit of the brotherhood of man. Many individuals along with spiritual organizations are resisting the shift that is taking place. That is why some people prefer to evolve on their own rather than within groups, spiritual organizations, churches, synagogues, etc. that are not fulfilling their spiritual needs and are not providing the answers they seek. My heart reaches out to those of you who haven’t resonated well with my decision. I understand that transition (change) of any type can make some people irritable, because they refuse to raise their human awareness.  However, the day will come when we will be better able to understand the comfort and security that change brings forth. Well! 2013 has arrived and what has changed? Every moment is a unique moment. Our life seems to be the same as yesterday, our bills arrive punctually, our health hasn`t changed and our experiences are the same. We feel we are the same individuals we were yesterday, but are our thoughts and intentions the same as yesterday? If our thoughts, attitudes and behaviours haven`t changed then we are on the same level of growth as yesterday. Situations in our life won`t change if we don`t become the change we want to see in ourselves. Then and only then ill our life change. What we individually wish to see 2013 bring we must create first in our intention and then the life force energy field will manifest it in physical matteer. Taking the time to enjoy our human self is good but we must not neglect our spiritual self. What are we willing to do to improve our life? We can begin by looking at the areas where we feel stuck in our journey of life. It can be a relationship, financial insecurity, pain, illness, disappointments, loneliness, blockages. Once we determine what is causing the pain then we must proceed to remove the filters that have stopped us from being who we are (Spiritual Energy Being). If the physical mind is filled with thoughts or knowledge you cannot enter into the vastness of stillness where the mind of God perceives to vibrate. Spiritual mind is beyond the activity of physical mind. Guide yourself to perceive things around you not as concepts of your human mind but rather as the endless space of stillness of neutral energy vibration. This is where you the mind of Spirit is experiencing the depth of your human self, which is the state of spiritual knowingness surfacing to your human self. The only sacrifice we must go through is the surrendering of the ego. All pain, distortation or unhappiness is created from ego. Ego does not ascend or elevate us rather it decends us. We are NOT EGO-CENTRED SPIRIT`S.  Our psyche is composed of mental desire; emotional (ego) and the soul will which all need to particiapte harmoniously with one another so that the individual selves form one vibrational energy that brings forth a loving and constructive creation. Here are some reflections for you to ponder on:    have you improved your ideas and way of thinking to uplift your human awareness to the spirit self?    have you made a step in moving forward in being a better companion to yourself?    have you removed the past grudges by letting go of yesterday with peace, love and forgivingness?    are you still allowing yourself to be dominated by your human emotions, weaknesses and fears?    have you made an effort to be more patient, tolerant, respectful, sincere and loyal to your spirit by not passing on judgment, gossiping or condemning others for your lack of happiness or success?    have you made a decision that you deserve the best of life by being your best in all that you do?    Have you stopped your need to control or protect others?    are you allowing others the same freedom to be who they are as you desire it for yourself?    Is anger still controlling you?    are you taking responsibility of your decisions and actions or are you still passing the responsibility to others by blaming someone or something for your frustrations or situations?    are you still distrusting yourself when your expectations are not meet?    have you made a decision to look after your health (body, mind & emotions) so that your body will be healthy in order to achieve your highest connection to your divine you in this life?    have you begun to accept your life by working on the change you want to make?

Research and study well what you perceive to believe, for your thoughts create feelings and feelings create your experiences. You can be all that you desire to be, your efforts, determination and continuity is the achievement of all things. If you can think so you can create. Don`t look for excuses to run away from your responsabilities. We may not know what our future holds for us, we are aware that this moment is the extension of tomorrow. So what do we have to be afraid of except our misuse of our own energy power? That is the fear we are experciencing as humans, not the unknown or dying. Our fear is about our inner consciousness letting our human mind know that we are not at peace with our spirit due to those things we have done to hurt our spirit. When our human self is at peace we have no fears.

Our body is kept well and alive by the love and generosity of our spirt. When we don`t take care of our spirit our body begins to wither away allowing the earth toxins of illness and disease to enter. Our human self won`t realize what we have created in our life until we enter into the heart of our soul self and then we will feel the pain that we have caused ourselves and the world around us. Until then we are having fun enjoying the adventures of our dormant self. Ignorance is bliss but don`t take advantage of the hand of the master that feeds you. Don`t be fooled by appearances, you are the divine within you.

Please join with me in passing on our love, non-judgement, authenic and transparent self so together we can create a better year.

Please note that my spiritual teachings are not related to any organization, religion or path but my own. I dedicated my Life to the Spiritual Teachings that I have personally experienced and received from the dimensions of spiritual realms since the age of 17. I am simply passing them to you with love and respect hoping that you will rediscover your spiritual self and Respect Yourself For Who You Are.

There is a right place in the world for everyone where we can feel safe, at peace and comfortable in our spiritual search. Find that special place where you belong and open yourself to the inspiration of the influence of that spiritual surrounding. If it`s not for you, you will soon realize it but if it feeds you for your highest good then continue with it so that you will be empowered until you become autonomous. Before long you will be able to rely on your own soul self to guide the way. Make use of your journey so that you can achieve all that you desire in this lifetime.

– – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – IMG_2872 December Newsletter “Welcoming the Arrival of a New Earth Year – the Rising Of a New Humanity” Our Reality and Truth does not come from our intellectual self but rather from listening to our heart. The clarity we seek in our life does not come from our human vision but comes from our spirit vision. The human soul needs to earn its way toward its Divine self step by step by living its life with integrity and dignity. Once we have gained control over our human self and learned to live from the heart of our being we will have anchored our soul self to be the vehicle for our Divine Self. We are human souls and our body is the vehicle for our soul self. Earth is undergoing a spiritual and physical cleansing. Just as our bodies go through major changes every seven years so is Earth going through a metamorphic change as part of its natural cycle of life and rebirth. This is an important time of self-examination for peace, healing, forgiveness, and surrendering thus giving rebirth to the consciousness of self-mastery and self-enlightenment. Each one of us can assist, support and empower the shift or can cause the shift to waste away to return at a later date. We are presently at a crossroads to balance out our Karmic debts and this is why our 3rd dimensional self is reacting to past baggage. The unhealthy memories we have carried, the suppressed emotions, the anger, the inability to forgive those who have hurt us are all being brought to the surface because they need to be FACEDand BROUGHT to the Light. It’s a Point of Reconciliation with our shadow and our Light which allows the earth to reconstruct and heal from the aeons of wars, of anger, greed and immaturity. This is what is called a MAGNETIC STORM and BREAKTHROUGH,which means the vibrations that we are receiving are being matched with those we have created. The law of attraction is our journey and it is the story of life. What we nurture will bear fruit, what we envision will come to manifest. You may be in the midst of a new spiritual awakening or perhaps feel stuck in a certain area of your life. Whatever the future has in store for you, let go by surrendering in order to ALLOW THE UNIVERSE to bring the next step forward which is the Break Through. December 21, 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar year. The end of something is also the beginning of something new. This is an opportunity to reconstruct our lives in order to enter into the 4th dimension (heart) the time in which there is no time only space. As we ascend to another dimension so does our planet ascend with us. For those individuals who are entering the 4th dimension the year 2013 will bring a clearer vision of the illusion and of the reality. Remember, it doesn’t matter what you choose to do, what matters is how you use your energy to accomplish what you have taken on. This is the moment to begin a “Spiritual Diet“. Abstain from: resentment, anger, fear, gossip, rudeness, passing judgment, being unforgiving, etc. so that the vibrational you will be able to accommodate the higher energies that the New Cycle is to bring forth. Do accelerate your vibrations by keeping the following in mind: = Don’t look to another person to make you happy – happiness is a state of mind and being. It is the acceptance of oneself. = Never step on anyone in order to achieve your own goals for in the end you will be the loser. = We all may come across deception or false friends. If someone tries to make your life difficult, simply walk away with love and forgiveness for in the end you will have conquered your self-respect and respected your dignity. = Life is a gift – you are a gift to yourself when you are loyal to your heart’s feelings. = Invest your energies in self-confidence and inner trust not in your fears or doubts or insecurities. = Remember that the first 3 chakras are not about who you are, they are connected to the human self who is about money, power and sex. You are the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th chakras. The spiritual you is the connection to the higher cosmic energies. =  Don’t look for approval – know that you have access to the divine in you. = Be self-sufficient, don’t depend on others to do what you need to do for yourself. =  Be independent – it is your right and freedom to be who you want to be and be responsible for what you do. =  Avoid the toxins on television – watch those programs that make you chuckle or bring you food for thought = Invest more of yourself in meditation, self-help books or programs that stimulate the inner awareness. = Accept change in your life with a positive attitude and go with the flow. = Be the best you can be for in the end you will have earned your Divine self-awareness. = Keep in mind that we leave everything here except our awareness of what we have come to believe, accept or reject. = Don’t give your power away to anyone who makes you feel less than who you are. = You make a difference in this world by being your true self which is the power of inspiration to those who are around you. It is an honour to be in the midst of people of like mind that create a sacred atmosphere where each individual allows the spirit of universal love to flow between them. This is a place where people build relationships with others who are on a similar spiritual path, and build a network of friends who are bringing a deeper spirituality to the world. Wishing each one of you a deeper spiritual re-awakening during this holiday season. May the blessings of the inner spirit shower you and all those around you with peace, love, health, happiness, abundance and self-realization. Happy Holiday! ==================================== “Autumn – Cycle for Transformation” As we are approaching the end of an earth year we are also entering a beginning of a new era for Self-Awareness and Self-Realization. Our physical house, cars, buildings, money are all temporary, and if we put great value in them we are not elevating our human awareness in order to find connection with the spirit of God within us. We need to be willing to give up our illusions in order to become receptive to receive alignment with our spiritual awareness. Our earthy titles, positions, certificates have no value to our spiritual identity. Our scientific knowledge is not the wisdom of our soul. Wisdom is working with our higher self with joy, love, peace, serving, sharing and having appreciation and respect for all life. Scientific knowledge comes from the human self (ego) and it works with the physical mind which gives power to our ego. Wisdom is working with our divine self, it`s about detaching from the outer body to find the inner self. Wisdom is practising love and having reverence for all life. We are at a critical moment in the history of our planet, we are at this very moment under going changes for the evolution of our human soul that is why there is an uproar of many emotions taking place, many pain bodies, past memories surfacing, lack of energy, sufferings from all kinds, the need to want to sleep more, fatigue, depression, sadness and separation. Many people are wondering what is happening with them. The heavy baggage that we have been carrying is shifting slowly removing a layer at a time. It’s the shadow (dark) side of our soul self that is moving forward to the Light. It`s about the human ego letting go to give birth to LOVE but at the same time ego is resisting. It`s afraid to let go because it realizes that it can`t control where Light vibrates so it fights back. You are experiecing the ego effect because you are attached to a physical body. But You are a Love Energy Being. Once you made the distinction on who you are ego will slowly die out, but if keep yourself attached to the emotions ego will continue to live because you are giving power to keep it alive. When you are experiencing feelings of being in a void, hurt, unhappy, cluttered or confused just tell yourself you are not these feelings, you are the observer of these feelings. You are a spirit having a human moment. So don`t get in the way, rather be indifferent and embrace the experience as if your being is playing a role on the platform of life. The process of the passage where ego needs to travel before it dies is ”SURRENDER”. It means do nothing but simply ”BE”. Allow love to be present, feel love, trust love and give love the permission to do what it needs to do to set you FREE. Moving out of the illusion to reality takes time, and you speed up the time of the passage for rebirth by being in the moment, embrace that which you are going through and feel happy that you are about to be FREE for you are rising above to be all that you were meant to be a Love deity. Give yourself a priceless gift – embrace each cycle of life by going with the flow, accept, love and surrender. Then you will come to realize that you are the enlightment that you were seeking. You are a being of Light and Love Consciousness and you alone choose the paths that you want to experience for your return home to Self-Enlightment. May you be all that you can be and do all that you can do for life is the moment. 1- work for self-rediscovery and self-respect 2- be cheerful and enjoy all that you do for you are doing it for YOU 3- be honest, loyal and committed to your roles of life 4- be continuos in all your work 5- know that when you have done is all and there is no more that you can do, let go (surrender) and let God. ============================================== “Who Do You Believe You Are” It is said that there are many ways to God-realization. Some choose to travel paths through the Kabbalah, Christianism, Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, etc.. Whether we worship Christ, Buddha, Allah, Vishnu, Siva, Tao or Jehovah, etc.. We recognize that Spirit is our ultimate goal. Each soul has its own wish of attainment. To some it’s the reality of being like the Masters, others is the work of achieving freedom and liberation from the fetters of ancient limitations or barriers, others sowing the seeds of love, kindness and forgiveness, others simply the desire to live quietly and happy. Some seek the reality of becoming healers, or bringing forth their psychic powers; to others understanding of the natural and spiritual laws of life; while others desires to move forward unto purer and closer realization of their search for spiritual identity. The emotional ego needs to be controlled otherwise it hinders the development of the soul. The entire purpose of evolution is to unfold that god-spark essence of who we are. Some believe they will find their god-self through church services or by sitting in a class for spiritual development or even by offering their services to humanity. One can be sincere and devoted and true to his heart, but still not be on the right track. Our physical journey on earth is a spiritual path of self-purification and self-transformation on all levels of consciousness. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing, accepting, learning to understand our identity and ultimately transforming our Lower Self or shadow side of our physical nature to unite with our God nature. Our soul yearns for deeper and more loving relationships with our body, mind and spirit but our emotions desires more physical love, happiness, pleasure as well as material riches. Ultimately, when the physical nature has been satisfied then we desire to seek our sense of purpose for our lives that only comes with intimate contact with our Creator. We need to constantly remind ourselves who we are in order to resonate with our true essence (God). We are Light, Love, Energy and Will that creates Consciousness. We are not people, we are soul expressing ourselves through a vehicle called the body and everything that we have acquired in our infinity of life lies within us expressing ourselves through our personality and characteristic traits. Our personality is not any different from us the soul. Each time we express the good in us we allow our soul to radiate. When we choose to express immaturity our Light diminishes. Each soul is a love Consciousness expressing infinite possibilities. As we increase our love each one of us becomes a love force on the planet. Our world is in desperate need of living at a higher of love awareness and actions. We can only help to transform the world when we are ready to transform ourselves. We need to love ourselves first and then we need to live authentically which means being true to ourselves in what we believe as truth. I strongly believe that our lives are as meaningful as we make them. Our Divine truth is achieved through a process of spiritual cycles of evolutions. When we are born we forgot where we came from and who we are therefore the first cycle is about learning to re-awaken to the spiritual birth that life is eternal and that we don’t die only the body. The Second cycle is about having the experience of spiritual communication from our loved ones so that we receive the evidence of life after life that we are eternal beings. The third cycle is searching for our identity and true purpose on earth. Many souls get trapped in the psychic levels because they believe that using their physic powers they are living their purpose. Soul consciousness is attained when you work from the fourth dimension which is the hearth the love connection of your soul and spirit. There the ego has learned to give way to love and not emotions. It has surrendered to the calling of innate divinity where the soul lives to express spiritual love, forgiveness, and compassion and through examples brings forth its spiritual nature. The physic abilities do not empower your divine self as a matter of fact it can destroy you if you are not in control of your mediumship. That is why we have so many conflicts with psychic and mediums, existing in some of the spiritualist churches because of ego desiring to dominate. Ego is always in competition in wanting to be better than others. It is so easy to lose oneself because of the vibrations of immaturity, greed and selfish that vibrates on the surface of the earth. That is why discipline is of an out most importance for maintaining our spiritual connection. At the heart level you

  1. you have a deeper understanding of you the soul
  2. You have a sense of purpose of what life is and what your life is about.
  3.  you have achieved a deeper sense of peace and serenity of being
  4. You have gained a deeper ability of perceiving meaning in life=s experiences.
  5. You have attained a willingness to be of service to humanity and its needs.
  6. You have realized the appreciation of the value of your personal contribution to the world.

Below is an example of the difference between religious praying and being a soul consciousness which is self-knowledge, self-mastery and self-illumination: Religion has taught us to pray to God that He alone can put peace into the world. Consciousness tells us that God created man in his image and likeness, therefore we are co-creator with God. Divine Consciousness expresses:  I transcend my energy of peace to everyone in the world. Religions expression:        God heal the sick. Divine consciousness expresses:  I extend my healing energies to those who are sick. Religion:                      God protect those who are travelling. Consciousness:           I send my energy of protection to those who are travelling. Religion:                       May we be forgiven of our faults. Consciousness:           I forgive myself for my immaturity or weaknesses. Religion:                      God bless us all…. Consciousness:           I transcend the blessings of my Spirit upon humanity. Religion:                      I ask healing for my body. Consciousness:           I the Indweller being accelerate every molecular, cell, atom, proton, enzymes of my  body to perfect life. Religion:                       I pray for strength, courage and clarity. Consciousness:           I call forth the strength, courage and clarity of my Divine Spirit. Religion:                      God inspire me with your love and teachings. Consciousness:           From the Consciousness of Unconditional Love in which I was created from, I bring forth this love to my physical form. I am the presence of Pure Being and within this presence I call forth Divine Truth to my re-incarnated self. ============================================  “What Is Your Message To The World?” Some people haven’t discovered their message and are still looking for it. Our life is our message to the world. We transcend our message through the truths that we believe, our personal values, the way we choose to live our life, our actions and reactions, the choices, fears, strengths, weaknesses, limitations, freedom, challenges, lessons of life or through self-destructive, self-respect, self-worth, etc., all what we believe in express and do is about who we are and how we are empowering others. The energy that we send out into the world will come back to us multiplied at a later date. This realization will make us more mindful of every thought, word and action that we do each day. Whatever we do to another we do to ourselves. In order to create a better tomorrow you will need to ask yourself “what is it that will give my life more meaning, purpose and joy? Or what do I want to do to accomplish my life?” Your message is that you yourself is your own messiah who will be able to save your own life. The world does not need to be saved, this is our idea and individualized thoughts of our belief system. The world is a school for evolving one’s own consciousness. If all is connected and all is ONE, then we change the world because of what we are, not just because of what we do. Change yourself and you change the world. Save the world by saving yourself. See the world for what it is and you will allow Truth to filter your thought mind and then you will be filled with love, understanding and self-knowledge Everything you need in life is already yours, you only need to STOP WORRYING in order to allow TRUST TO UNFOLD then you will experience synchronicity and balance in your body, mind and soul. Remember that we are all born as embodiments of love and self-knowledge. This is never lost, or forgotten, it is only disregarded or ignored. Our world is exactly what we individually and collectively designed it to be because we are conscious creators creating creation in every moment of our existence. Every moment is a point of enlightenment and power especially when we feel a saddened, an emptiness within, lost or confused, unloved or lonely. This is our sign that our divine self is calling us back to our divinity. Feelings are the recognition of the heart. The heart feels, the mind doesn’t. The heart is alive, the mind is inert. The heart experiences, the mind conceptualizes. The heart joins, the mind separates. Emotions are sponsored by thoughts and feelings are sponsored by the heart which are the signs of love, understanding and wisdom. This is why we have to live in our heart rather than in our emotional or mental self.

  1. Choose to live in peace so that the world will be at peace with you.
  2. Be open- minded in order to allow your Soul Self to come through your physical body.
  3. Be the example that others need to see in order to allow others to be their best
  4. Love for love is the reality of who we are and the power that sustains all life forces.
  5. Live in the present, the power of empowerment and enlightenment is the moment.
  6. Believe in yourself first so that you can help others.
  7. Stealing from another is cheating yourself.
  8. Don’t judge or be rude to anyone, for if you do you allow others to do the same to you.
  9. Respect yourself in order to respect others and others will respect you.
  10. Accept change, as the means that your Soul self is moving your human self forward to better pathways of life.
  11. Forgiveness starts within us and then we can forgive others and others forgive us.
  12. Be grateful, humble, generous, kind, caring, sincere, loyal, welcoming, etc.,
  13. Don’t contaminate the planet by polluting yourself with immature energies.
  14. Be the caretaker of the earth.
  15. Be thankful and appreciative

============================================ “Be Willing to Make Another Step for Personal Evolution” Be willing to give up your illusions and your live will change. Your earthly titles, positions, certificates have no value in spirit. Your scientific knowledge is not the wisdom of your soul. Wisdom is working with your Soul self with joy, love, sharing and having appreciation for all life. Scientific knowledge comes from the human ego and it works with the will and the mind and it gives you emotional power. Wisdom is working with your Spirit Self, it is having pasted from the physical life to the Spirit of God. Wisdom is love practicing and having reverence for all life. Know that you are at a critical moment in earth’s history and evolution. There are those who promote war and those who make efforts to have peace. My heart is saddened by those who look away from the spiritual teachings that we are all brothers and sisters. If we don’t have love and respect for one another, how can we have love for our Creator and for the beauty of this earth world that we were given to care and look after? Love is shown by your behavior and not by words. You honor love by the actions of your daily life by showing an appreciation of life and all of its creation. Whether you are officially educated or not any soul who is drawn to peace, to the simplicity of life and sharing of his / her love which comes from the spirit is one with God’s consciousness. The moment is reaching out with great possibilities for personal and spiritual growth. Take every daily opportunity for self-improvement, realize your full potential and worth. You are a star radiating and guiding as a living example of spiritual truth. Touch your soul this day –  have the intention to help humanity and never to harm others keeping in mind that peace is our God-expression and nature and love is our path. =================================================

The  Meaning  of   C O L O R S

Many people believed that every disease can be cured by certain colors.  Colors operate upon the patient in a threefold manner: physical, mental and the spiritual, they produce a soothing, healing or stimulatin effect as required.  When we use our human mind along with the symbols of the colors we can bring forth the results of the intention of our will. Some people do not need to work with colours because they  have achieved a connection with their own soul self. Working from a soul level the human mind is a vehicle to bring forth the soul pranic healing energy. It is the soul doing the work not the human mind. For those who are preparing to raise their human awareness then these interpretation of colors will be of support to you.

The language of color is definite and distinct. God is light and light is color.

BLUE    force direct with spirit — God; healing, serenity, a high degree of spirituality.  Uplifts, inspires.

BLUE    with reddish brown – selfish religious feelings

BLUE    with gray – religious feelings linked with fear

Lavender    high degree of spirituality

Violet or Purple    complete spiritual dedication and devotion

Orchid   illumined clairvoyant  (rosy-purple)

Carmine    human affection   (purplish-red)

Scarlet    self pride or self centered   (bright red with orange)

Bright red    anger, jealousy, hostility, bravery, courage, daring, activity, adventure, destruction

Deep red    sensuality, and the animal passions

Rose or Pink    unselfish, sincere, honest, lovable

Reddish Brown    avarice, greed

Greenish with reddish brown


Green  politness, easy adjustments to changing conditions,

Light Green   sympathy, understanding, tolerance

Medium Green    balance, aspirations, rebirth

Yellow     spiritualized intellect, (intellectual attainment) wisdom, soul finds harmony

Orange       ambition, intelligent predominant  (red & yellow)

Dark Gray         depression, melancholy

Pale Gray           fear, terror

Black    all things in latency, it is the feminine complement of white

White is active, black is passive, white is positive, black is negative, white is all-revealing, black is all-concerning in other words (chaos)

White       pure, divine


Colors in Healing

Yellowis the restorer of nerves

Green – increases vitality

Ultra-violetproduces fermentation in the body which reduces the hardness of tissues and also rebuilds up blood tissues.

Violet – growth of bone

Indigo – produces muscular generation and strength




      1. Physical – Laying on of hands
      2. Magnetic – using the magnetism of your own body.
      3. spiritual – or mystical or faith healing – through faith the power of God is released.
      4. Psychic – through psychical energies, such as clairvoyance, etc. 

Man is compound of three minds: which are the conscious mind which is connected to the physical body which registers the physical senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch;  the alert mind in which we use every day to think.

The sub-conscious mind which is connected to the astral body which is the vehicle registering memory and past experiences.

The Super-sub-conscious mind which is connected to the etheric body which is the vehicle of the soul.  Oncethis is portrayed through the physical then the full manifestation of sspirit has taken place. 

All illness or conditions are first manifested on the astral plane.  The physical plane is the last to manifest the illness. All diseases are results from lack of harmony between the physical and spiritual bodies.  Or as a result from the law of Karma which is the law of cause and effect.


Consists of repetitions of affirmations or suggestions by ourselves in which creates a more uplifted mental attitude, in which reacts upon the body and enables it to function properly.  First, it is very important to get the mind into the proper mental attitude, casting out all adverse thoughts so that nature can do its work properly. In all contracts there are two parties God and you, and you must do your part, you are responsible to yourself.  You are victims of your own reality.  You are creators of your own thoughts and your thoughts return to you for they seek the security of the creator.

A pure body means a pure mind a sick body means a negative mind. Energize the energy points of your body which are the solar plexes with love.  Visualize yourself to be within a pure white light which is perfection.  Build a strong desire of the will so that you can release the condition within yourself andthen you must surrender to your creator by trusting and believing in him.  ACCEPT AND TRANSFORM which means as you had the power to create you also have the power to undo.
 Absent or Mental Healing:
Is bringging a this thought and charge it with so much more energy state of perfection into the conscious of the individual – form of spritual psychological therapy.  It is done by sending out a clear picture of perfect health and positive thought to the person.  Our spirit friends pick up and they bring it where you have directed.  Your thoughts are as real to you as you are to yourself.  Negative thoughts hurt others and comes back to you in the same fashion.  Within the mind’s eye see everyone within God’s light. Spiritual Healing: This form of healing is very rare and it is founded only in highly developed spiritual persons.  Jesus of Nazarette demonstrated this form of healing.  The healer allowshis spiritual aura and essence decends upon the afflicted person using the natural laws to manifest a desire of the spirit through his own innate divinity.  In such a case healing takes place instantaneously. Faith Healing: The healer believes through blind faith and trust in God but without the knowledge of the conscious mind.  He acts firmly on what he believes without having the awakening of the soul.  Sends out strong thoughts of faith. Hypotinic Healing: Is a form of power of suggestion. The healer brings the active mind of the person to an altered state of consciousness in which then the sub-conscious mind of the person gets in tune with the healer, and through his power of suggestion tells the subconscious to correct the situation, in other words the healer brings the soul to the realization of its own power to heal itself. Laying on of Hands or Physical Healing IMG_3081 Using his hands the healer sends out energy into the aura of the person.  The aura is an electrical field that surrounds the body.  It is often seen by a sensitive person in a color vibration, each color representing its own meaning.  He energizes the aura as he passes his hands about six inches away from the body. IMG_3084 Pranic or Magnetic Healing: Prana is the vital force energy of life.  It is founded in the air that we breathe the food that we eat, the water that we drink.  It is extracted in natures laboratory and stores up in our nervous system.  The solar plexus is the chief and central store house of prana.  The amount of prana that we generate depends on the soul evolution, the thoughts that we retain in our mind, on our mental desires and the expectations we have.  All positive thoughts whether good o’r bad are charged with prana.  This force increases the human magnetism.  Ex. a positive thinking posses such vitality that his thoughts become a living proof & force; a public speaker who has acquired this art sends forth their words with such force that one can feel the impact of the words.  These kind of people are like a magnet to us.  You feel being drawn to them not realizing why, and at the same time you are being energized by their energy and presence. Another example of prana is when you feel tired you drink a glass of water or you eat something within minutes you begin to feel better.  Whenever you feel tension taking a couple of deep breath you are energizing more prana into your being and you begin to feel better.  Human magnetism is being thrown off by means of love, thought, desire and contact.  In magnetic healing the healer touches the body of the sick person and  by an effort of will or strong desire generates within himself a strong supply of prana which he passes to the patient.  In other words the healer sends this vital force of prana through his body.  Ex. a child who has hurt itself or who feels pain runs to its mother, who kisses the hurt part or who places her hand on the seat of the pain and in a few moments the child is feeling better.  Or when we approach someone who is suffering it is very natural for us to touch them.  This instinctive use of the hand is a form of conveying magnetism to the afflicted person and usually the person begins to feel better.  Magnetic or pranic healing is using your magnetism of your body to cure. IMG_3085 Psychic Healing: The psychic healer uses his psychic energy through clairvoyance to project energy to the person.  He can relieve the congestion of the psychic bodies.  He can help best when the patient will help himself. ========================================= Chakras are referred to as energy points in the body. There are 7 of them which are: – base of the spine – naval center – stumach – heart – throat – forehead – top of the heard ( crown) Since man is compound of three minds; The three bodies of man are the physical, the astral and the etheric. The physical body is the vehicle for the alert mind, registering the physical senses of sight, sound smell taste and touch – so is the astral body the vehicle for the sub-conscious mind registering memory and past experience.  The etheric or spirit body is the vehicle of the soul mind and once this is revealed and portrayed through the physical, there is manifested the perfect flow through the inspiration. 

 Knowledge is available to all who desire it.  It is waiting to be taken but instead we desire not to, mainly because we mistrust it.  We put barriers in front of ourselves.  Instead of opening the doorway of awareness, we build trenches.  And yet one thought can change all that.

We are victims of our own reality, therefore we don’t heal ourselves.  In fact, we make ourselves more ill.  We live in a time of pressure.  We must begin to understand the law of healing one’s self by thinking positively, by pushing away negative thoughts from us and pushing ourselves in God’s light.  By doing this, we will grow in strength and we will be as a power station of beautiful light and color and spread it through the universe.

Healing is an important part in the spiritual life because it gives service to others.  There is the physical healing which is the laying on of hands.  The healer sends out energy into the aura of that person, – the aura is an electric field that surrounds the person, – the aura is an electric field that surrounds the person (the body)  it is often seen by the sensitive person in a color vibration.  Each color represents its own meaning.  A healer cannot heal the body before healing the astral for disease or conditions are built first on the astral body.

Mental healing or absent healing is done by sending out a positive thought.  A thought is a living thing – it actually exists.  So whatever thought you are thinking as soon as you think it, it goes out into the universe.  In healing, in order to correct a situation you have to correct your thoughts.  You help yourself in many ways by making your thoughts strong and positive because what you send out will come back to you.  It is a very basic role.  It is one of the natural laws.  Whatever you give out will return to you in the same manner. We are our own doctors.  We offer our own cures and, at the same time it is our own individual self who makes ourself sick


How Can You Learn More About Yourself Our human path of life is a journey to self- esteem, self-worth and self-respect. How can we raise these vibrations when we have blockages that hold them down. Our first step is to recognize our blockages which are the results of the choices we made in the past which have held us from moving forward. We need to remove the behaviour and replace it constructive feelings. We need to dwell in the present that we are spiritual and human beings of love and that the whole universe reflects on what we are. We must choose to let go of the past with peace, love and forgivingness so that we can feel free to start to rebuild our life. It is not always easy to look back with love and joy because those experiences have hurt us and we ask our self: ” maybe the best thing is to shut down our feelings?” We cannot shut down these feelings from the past because they continue to live in us consciously or unconsciously. They are not forgotten if we repeat these feelings or we choose to rebuild. Our purpose is to search and explore what we did so that we can identify with the unfinish business. So that today as mature beings we can complete these roles with love and understanding. At one time each one of us were children we may have encounter fear, pain, guilt, and anger that became so overwhelming that we had to shut down our feelings in order to survive, which means that we disowned that part of ouselves that can feel. As children’s we deny and bury these feelings by suppressing them, but the feelings remain.  Understanding our emotions moves us from our dependency to independence which leads us to freedom and self-mastery. We need to detach from the past in order to make room for the present, but we can’t detach until we take responsibility to express our true feelings. Then we enter into a passive state where we are receptive to healing. But as long as we choose to hold on to the past we are stuck there. Life is composed of many ups and downs, but life is teaching us about us, the decisions we made, our feelings to reactions to situations or people. There is a reactions to every action we do. As we create a feeling to every thought that we create which is the make-up of whom we are. We attract to ourselves the same energies  that vibrate in us which is the “Universal law of attraction”.We create  problems when we deny our feelings which creates disharmony in our being. We come into the world with it; it follows us through life like a shadow. If we lose it, we are lost. It is profoundly affected by what happens to us along life’s path. Beating yourself for your weaknesses is self-defeating. The school of Life give us the opportunities to attain love and wisdom through experiences. The lessons of this material world that we have failed to learn will be met again. If you wish to attain self-love and self-esteem you must take control, you must be willing to become a new person, to let go  of yesterdays and connect with your your Spirit which is the real you. If you believe you are suffering for your mistakes, you are, for the universal laws will bring to you exactly what you believe. If you believe you are a loving person then you will attract the vibrations of your Divine Self for you are a spiritual being in a physical body  having an earthily experience Stop hurting yourself! Becoming who you are. Take time to think about your life and evaluate where you “are.” Are you happy? Are you doing what you want to be doing, and if not, can you tolerate it if it’s something that you should be doing? Are you respectful of yourself and others? Do you make an effort to be kind to those around you? Do you try your best on what you do, and are you setting higher goals for yourself? Are you honest and kind to others without allowing others to take advantage of you? Remember who you are a loving child of God. Treat yourself as God treats you with love and respect. You alone control your life, don’t give your power away to anyone. Take your stand in life and represent who you are and the world will honour you for who you are. It’s not people who will judge us we judge ourselves by how we feel. When you are at peace with yourself the world is at peace with you. ============================================ “You Can Easy Shift Your Attitudes To Form A Better Personality” 1)  look at your best qualities. Apply your efforts towards your best virtues. Whether it’s a generous nature, a sympathetic ear, an infectious smile or deep sense of loyalty, remember to keep it continuous. 2)  Face your problems with honestly, if in doubt you can usually obtain helpful advice from someone who lives their life spiritually. Learn what’s going wrong. Go within yourself and re-examine your actions with the experience. See the lessons you need to learn and then do what is needed to improve the situation. 3)  Give of yourself, make sure that others get something in exchange for their association with you. Be special, but be yourself. Often you may feel that’s enough because you can be more. 4)  Be kind to others and avoid from getting hurt. Try not to look at other people’s faults. Reflect on your good qualitites and others. Keeping in mind that everyone is trying to do their best. 5)  Be tolerant of others. Accept people as they are and learn from their experiences. Try to bring out their best features and qualities. It will help you as well as those who are around you. 6)  Look upon failure as lessons in progress. Remember what they are and be careful not to repeat those actions which resulted in those same occurrences. Remember your successes are built on good qualities. 7)  Accept the reality that on occasion you may feel left alone, weak or worried, discouraged or unhappy. Don’t let that stop you. Get up and go forward. 8)  If you really intend to help someone don’t say yes and then forget and walk away. Respect your promise to others. 9)  Make people to be the most important thing in your life. It’s people that keep this world going. Try always to improve at what you have to offer. 10)  Most important be real and not fabricated. Affirmation: I will choose to live and greet this day with love in my heart and willingness in my mind. I will shed  away my old attitudes and behaviours for I have realized the power of my creative thought mind. I choose to be wise and all that I am for I am aware that my thoughts create my reality. ============================================ “Recognizing Some Of Life’s Problems” Every day I hear about people’s personal problems. I have noticed the pattern that show up in most individuals. For many life problems are viewed as: “I am not happy, not having enough money” or “not having enough time”. For couples the problems are often around lack of communication” or “parenting” or “sex”. They think if they only had a better job, more money and the right partner things will be better in their life. If everything was to go well what would be the motive for us to be here. From my point of view I believe that life bigger problems are: “Narrow Vision” The tendency to focus only on a situation with a narrow mind. Things look worse or more complex than they really are when we choose not to be receptive to other views but our own. Solution:   Open-Mind How did I create this situation? What can I do to change it for the better? Its not a coincidence why things happen the they way they do. The reason is that we are to expand our awareness. “Fear” The anxiety or panic that things will not go according to our expectations. What we desire may not be what we need. For our needs are always met. Solution:    Positive outlook What’s the worst that can happen if you didn’t get what you desired? —-what’s the best that can happened to you by not having what you asked?——- what did you learn? —— what would you do if you had no fear? “Confusion” The sense of being lost in life or unclear about who we are. The lack of not knowing our own purpose and identity. Solution:     Spiritual Choices Choose your values and priorities before you create your own path. Your life is created according to the choices you made. Check your moral values first before you pick a direction that brings out the good in you which is your direction to achieve your destination and do your work in an extraordinary way! “Guilt” The belief that we have done something wrong, hurt, failed and deserve to suffer for our mistakes. There are two sides to guilt. It is “true” when we have wounded ourselves or someone or it’s “false” because its an illusion of our own perception on how we choose to see and judge ourselves. Solution:     Forgive And Forget If we have injured someone including ourselves we must restore peace and harmony by forgiving ourselves or the person who has hurt us. Learn from the mistake and move forward. If it is a false guilt because we chose to make it our responsibility when in fact it was someone else, let it go. “Personal judgement” We demean ourselves when we feel that we are not good enough so we believe that other people see and judge us in the same way we see ourselves. Solution:       Stop Judging And Criticizing Yourself Stop being too hard on yourself, you can’t change the past. Accept there are no mistakes only lessons to be learned and that you know better now. Accelerate self-love, self-worth and self-esteem by forgiving yourself. “Loneliness” The belief that no one loves us, that no one cares and we cling to anyone who finds us attractive or acceptable. This creates dependency and not intimacy. Solution:     Self-Inventory Not everyone will love us. People will get to know us better when they get to spend time with us and even then they may not love us because love is not emotional or physical. It is the acceptance of oneself and when we do we no longer feel alone. “Resentment” Holding onto anger or refusing to move forward from the past. Some people spend their whole lives as “victims”. Nurturing hurtful moments in their past. Solution:     Let Go People are free to behave as they choose. These experiences are to bring forth our higher nature so that we can be wise, understanding, compassionate and loving in our emotional personality. Holding onto this immature vibrations will not heal us nor resolve the situation. Forgiveness is the ability to let go. Choosing to lliving in the moment is allowing ourselves to stay connected with the truth of the moment. “Self-Doubt” Lacking faith and trust in our own abilities, opinions or actions. The inability to take a stand, act adventurously or to follow-through. Solution:     Trust and Confidence Be positive and realistic. Believe in yourself and take control of your actions and persevere. In order to move ahead we do it by one step at a time. We are our own greatest expert of life! Your wisdom, abilities and potentialities are the tools that create a happy and succesful life. “Stubbornness” The refusal or inability to re-evaluate, change our mind, or admit our wrongfulness. Solution:      Receptiveness and Wisdom Only a fool stays on a course that is headed for disaster! Search for better understanding. Remain flexible, open and creative. When we are willing to bring our borders down we evolve and the situation changes and we adjust accordingly to the degree that we allow ourselves to be open-minded. “Addiction” People become easily enslaved to e-mails, cell phones, TV, drugs, smoking, over eating, etc.. We can also be depended on people because we need them rather than love them. Solution:       Take a Sabbatical From Your Addiction Spending more time with our higher self we break our habits and conditioning of our life. Question yourself if your life would be happier if you didn’t have the addiction and what would you be missing if you let go of the addiction. We have dominion over our life for we are greater than any human feelings. Don’t give your power away to habits or attitudes that enslave you. ============================================ “Are you surviving or are you living ?” Life for some people is becoming more complex, difficult, demanding and more stressful. So many people are getting sick, relationships and homes are falling apart. They are giving up instead of confronting their problems with an open mind for a better understanding as to why they are facing such drama in their life. So many people have become confused, they don’t know whom to believe or where to turn to because they lost their trust in those they believed. As the earth planet is going through major transition, there is still purpose, meaning and value in everyone’s life for God is at work through each one of us. God is the Spirit within us that is working to release our innate potentials so that we can re-create this world to be a better place for all humanity. Every human soul is good, wise, loving and divine, but what has happened to that human soul for it to be in this state of mind and being. Once you separate yourself from your spirit you create chaos and despair. In order to return to spirit you must go through your heart for the heart is the connection to your essence. Once you re-opened your heart you must put your life in good use. What we seek spiritually is only found in the heart. The mature mind brings forth the wisdom of the soul and its teachings. So if you wish to know more about yourself you must enter into yourself. Daily meditations and contemplation with your soul empowers your connection. Set aside every day a special time for yourself to harmonies your vibrational energies so that your components of body, mind and soul are working together in the same intention to release your spiritual self. There is a quote that says: ‘‘everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die’’. Everyone knows that this is not possible. So it is not possible to be in a state of self-awareness if we don’t live from the heart. This little exercise requires your honesty and sincerity if you wish to know more about yourself. 1- what triggers your ambition. 2- what motivates you. 3- do you create your identity based on what you do or by how you respond to the experiences in your life. 4- do you structure your identity based on your personal desires and skills. 5- what things interest you. 6- what makes you happy. 7- what fuel drives you. 8- how is your life leading you. 9- how do you give of yourself. 10- do you fight to prove justification on who or what is right. Or do you fight in moving forward for your own improvement. 11- do you give of yourself for selfless services or do you give of yourself for self-pride and glory. 12- Does your life need a map on where you are going or do you know where you are heading. 13- does your truth stand on solid ground or does it blow with the wind. 14- If you were looking to hire someone to work for you would you hire yourself. You have one life to live. How you live it its up to YOU! ============================================= Are You Aware or Unaware That You Create Every Moment of Your Life”? 

Are you aware  that  everything that is alive pulsates with energy? Whether this energy is  positive  or negative you are affected by your attitudes, behaviors, ideals,  beliefs, etc.  Our human being is composed of four distant components. The Spirit –  which is the spark of God that is divine, perfect, whole and complete.  The Spirit Mind – which is the only mind we have which vibrates at the  center of  our brain, but is not the brain. The Soul which is the ethereal  body of  light incarnated into matter which is the vehicle in which we live and  create  our eternal existence through our Physical Body which is the  space suit  for our soul while we are on Earth. We are extremely  powerful  divine energy beings who are co-creators of the multiverse. The primary  thing we  create is our reality and we do that by the thoughts we choose, the  words we use  to solidify those thoughts and the emotions we select to amplify it all.  If we  choose to commit ourselves to a path of higher awareness it only takes a  small  shift in what we believe to start the journey. A willingness to shift  one’s  belief is also a necessary stepping-stone on the pathway to higher  awareness,  which coincidentally is inherent through our persistence in the journey  of life,  which is to lead us back to our spiritual destiny. Everyday life  invites us to  make choices as it presents us with opportunities for balance, growth,  healing  and transformation. It is about us making decisions based on what we  believe  is GOOD AND RIGHT for our well-being  of body,  mind and soul. As we enter at a Soul  Crossroad, we need to re-examine our  thinking because we cannot persist in the old thinking mentality because  the  soul will withdraw when we create negativity around us or in us. Some  people  believe if they raise their vibrations by helping others that they will  be  enlightened but they disregard their own emotional baggages. So we have  spiritual beings who are mentally knowledgeable but their emotional  bodies are  underdeveloped causing them to stay in limbo. When you seek to raise  your  vibrations, you clean-up patterns of behaviors and mental attitudes by  making  sure you do the work on your self diligently. The Ascension process is  to bring  alignment and harmonious attunement to the emotional, physical and  mental bodies  so that the soul can achieve total re-connection with its innate  divinity. In life there are  2 groups  of people. Those with a materialistic mind and those with a spiritual  mind. A  materialistic mind works for personal and material gain by using their  brain,  emotions, ego, and self-absorption. The spiritual mind makes you seek to  know  who you are by using your spiritual awareness to improve your skills and   abilities to discover “Self”. The spiritual mind does not need to  change  anyone nor the world for they see light and feel compassion in the  deepest  moments in the reconstruction of their life. They do not need to prove  anything  to anyone. They live their spiritual truth in the acceptance of their  life. ========================================== ”Finding Out Who We Are and What We Have Come To Do and Be In Life”: Our life is a journey, the challenges we meet give us the opportunity to reconnect with our true essence “Spirit”. Along the way we meet many signposts to indicate that progress is available to us. They allow us to modify our behaviours in positive and loving ways. They remind us to keep an open mind in order to receive greater ideas. They remind us to be gentle, kind, forgiving and compassionate with ourselves so that we can be with others. As well they remind us to accept ourselves as we are and to move forward knowing that we are supported and encouraged at all times. Sometimes it may not be easy to change the road we are travelling on, or turn our life around but awareness can empower us to find peace, love and happiness. When we choose to turn our attention to our higher consciousness we allow our spirit to enter into the details of our lives. We as human beings fulfill the purpose of creation when we find our higher nature and when we perceive to live from our higher self. Our human identity is defined by our ego. Culture, traditions and religious beliefs are controlling mediating processes. Our job, gender or social status does not determine our identity. There is more to life than our physical and human nature. When we focus on how we appear in this life, we can become enslaved to the illusions of our personal human desires. Many have lost personal meaning in their life because they have forgotten who they are and why they are human. They are affected by ego, fear, insecurities and controlled by compulsive thinking and irrational behaviour. Our rational mind has become too dominant in our daily lives and decisions. Many people choose to live in their heads to analyze, intellectualize and rationalize as a defence against feeling our feelings. Others live life based on their emotional reactions without intellectual balance. Others swing from one extreme to the other. Living life in this manner is “dysfunctional” it does not work to create a balanced, healthy, happy and attuned body, mind and spirit. Every experience is meant to be a divine assignment that brings forward a higher connection with our innate divinity. Our growth is not about chance its about “CHOICE”. As we learn about “love awareness” and the ability to manifest it we realize our potential to make things happen in proportion to the love that flows through us. We function from love rather than from habit. Our search for knowledge is replaced with living from the center of our being. We no longer seek the truth; rather we live it. We respond from within rather than from our coat of skin. We maintain internal and external calmness and harmony. We relate to others in healthy and beneficial ways. We are quick to learn and open to new challenges and eager to make ourselves, others and the world a better loving and peaceful environment. Divinity within us is our natural state: to be wise, knowing, noble, loving, generous, creative, joyful, effortless, to esteem ourselves and others. Divinity needs to be expressed in our daily life through “Personal Choice” which is the freedom to be who we choose to be. Due to personal choice we can make our journey short and direct or drag it out of its nature by going through miserable experiences. So its up to each one of us to decide what we inwardly desire to do and we alone shall be responsible for our decisions and actions, for our inner and outer life. =============================================== ”How Can We Create A Better Connection With Our Spirit”

Our life on earth is for the Spiritual development of our personality. Divine missions may vary, but always in their unfoldment they express the divine essence of innate divinity. Our personality becomes an instrument when it is attuned to Self-Knowledge and Self-Realization. Our roles in life direct a play on earth. Our life is a stage. The actor is “personality” and our thoughts are the “Director”. Our ideas and views are most powerful for us because they determine what we will allow ourselves to be and to experience. Some pointers on how to stimulate our abilities for Divine Energy Work: * act in kind and loving ways * listen with a kind and warm heart * help someone in need * appreciate diversity * say only good things about others * speak with integrity, saying what you mean, by being impeccable with your words in the direction of truth * listen without defending * apologize to anyone you have hurt * be aware of your actions and reactions * speak in a calm and loving tone of voice * praise someone for their efforts * see mistakes as lessons that need to be learned * allow others to have their beliefs without judgement * use words that inspire and uplift others forgive those that need to be forgiven * choose to be a peacemaker rather than a warrior * choose to bless rather than to condemn * respect your words and promises * cherish and honor your life * find something special about everyone you meet * have gratitude and appreciation for mother nature * be the caretaker of the planet * give of yourself in sincere and loving service * treat all animals kindly * choose to be non-violent with words or actions * take time to enjoy every day and to celebrate who you are The most loving thing you can do for others is to radiate your light energy so that you can be the best you can be. ============================================ ”What is Our Destiny and Identity” Why is it that we are still looking to find peace, love, health, truth and happiness when we have given almost everything of our human self to what we believe, and know is real? Why is it that this part of us is still confused, lost or concerned? It may be because we have looked in the wrong places. It does not mean that our earthly relationships which may well give us some sense of identity be unimportant. The family into which we were born may or may not be a very important part of our life. The country in which we live or the race to which we belong may mean much to us. We may have gained in the way of identity from our work or profession or from our friendships. Our sexuality as a woman or as a man may be an important part of who we are. However, by creating a harmonious relationship with our soul and spirit, we will find an identity that has a prior claim on who we are. In submitting to that claim, we will also find a greater depth to all of our other relationships. We will also find a security in the knowledge of who we are and in the realisation that no one can take it from us. If we want our lives to change in any way, we need to create change NOW because this moment is all we have. The Spiritual Teachings of all Masters throughout time have declared “Know Thyself” to be the route to achieve spiritual consciousness. We think we know ourselves, but do we really? When we are not fully present and aware, we move through life on auto pilot. We live by habits, conditionings, reacting unconsciously to people and situations around us. We blindly follow the conditions we create without questioning. We generally let others tell us what to do and what to believe and often we give our power to others to control our life. We choose to be followers rather than take a stand on who we are. In a world that is ruled by emotions and material gain, how are we to understand who we are and what our life is about? It is certain that a life without purpose is a life without meaning and a life without meaning is not living, but we cannot change what we are not aware of! Only when we choose to search for who we are, do we become more aware of ourselves and we transcend that awareness to our human form, which gives us more clarity on the choices we make and the ability to create what is best for us. We create life – life no longer creates us. When we are in charge of our life we are in a state of self-awareness. We live with intention, clarity and purpose. We uncover the creativity, potentials and wisdom that are within us. We are living as conscious spiritual beings. It is only when we STOP and pay attention that we experience our subconscious self which is the unconscious us. We become aware of the beliefs that self sabotaged our highest intentions. We uncover the root causes of our blockages, negativity, low self esteem, sadness, fears, insecurities and overwhelming emotions and pain. It is easy to look around and see the appearance of chaos, difficulty and strife. Yet, we come from a loving heart and hold a Divine Identity and Awareness. We have the abilities to restore all things to balance, joy, harmony and peace because at the core we are non-physical beings. We have the choice to restore our focus and alignment with our higher selves or we can allow our energy to experience the limitations of our temporary physical self which in reality, is only a tiny fragment of who we are that is vibrating at a lower Light frequency. We are indeed creators of intelligence and knowingness, but only when we live our true purpose is our consciousness liberated from ego, and only then can we accurately discern both our inner and outer purpose. When we bring unconditional love back into our life, we begin the journey of restoring wholeness and happiness to our planetary adventures. Of course it takes determined efforts and continuity on our part, or otherwise the old ways of being are quickly to return into our minds. Our life was never meant to be a struggle. Life is not a school and we are not here to learn anything, but to experience everything. All life experiences are about refocusing on who we are so that our vibrational energy brings forth the essence of the source of who we are. Spirituality is not something we have to find – we are already spiritual. We are an aspect of that which created us, and we have attributes, characteristics and access to the power that goes beyond our physical understanding. Abundance, good health, and meaningful relationships are natural aspects of life lived in harmony with spirit and its purpose. Remember You are the image and the essence of the Creator referred to as God, Spirit, Consciousness, etc… You are a non physical being in a temporary earth body in order to experience an adventure on Earth and you have come here to bring forth your uniqueness of Light, Love Awareness, Truth and Potentials. Your mission is to “BE” who you are while you are experiencing the physical part of you. To “enjoy” and “love” every step of the journey as you engage yourself in the various roles you choose to bring forth your abilities and potentials. Your presence on the planet Earth is to assist, support, empower and uphold those who come to you for your guidance. The style of your work efforts is the expression of who you are and what you make your destiny to be. ============================================= ”Evolution is Achieved by Raising Our Human Awareness” Our planet has entered into a state of Transition for the Light is penetrating at a deeper level. In today’s troubled world millions of people are searching for security, love and happiness in all the wrong places. A day doesn’t pass by when we don’t hear of wars, floods, earthquakes, famine and crimes of all kinds as they occur. Countless individuals have been killed, are dying or having simply given up hope or faith. And yet, in spite of all these things, some individuals believe it is the coming of the end of the world. Others believe that there is the coming of the Great One. It’s a time for us to “WAKE-UP” right now and realize that there is a need to come together as ONE global family for this is our collective destiny. This is the potential heritage we share as spiritual beings manifesting on the earth. “We are the massager and the message”. It’s not about doing its about “BEING”. Every moment is a Divine plan created by our soul and held in divine order. These Divine experiences are not meant to punish or cause suffering though the ego often perceives most events in life as such. Rather, the Divine plan presents us with the opportunity to experience life as a series of lessons / opportunities to go beyond the limited perceptions of the ego. To move into the limitlessness of the Soul while still in embodiment. These experiences are intended, purposeful events choreographed by our Soul to create the opportunity for us to “wake-up”. It’s time for us to realize that the changing times are happening right now. Our world, our civilization, and our individual lives are all undergoing dramatic personal and collective changes. Yet, this is sometimes hard for us to recognize because the changes have not been a single event. They have been a process through time. We create the circumstances we are ready for next. Often we will repeat over and over again a certain Divine layout in a variety of outpicturings until it sinks in and a change takes place. Change occurs when we understand and integrate with the Divine plan at a deeper level. This causes a raising up of our Consciousness. Change is an aspect of love moving from the present vibration to a higher vibration. Just like plants naturally and instinctively move toward the sunlight, we humans gravitate toward our source of nurturance and sustenance – God the source and sub-stance of our being. ================================================ ”Life Is About YOU and Not About The World” Living a spiritual life is about living a human life. Its not about living a godly life. The human life itself is divine, provided that we have the humility to walk naked (in truth) in humanity with no pretences, no titles, no authority just simple beings expressing love, humbleness, compassion, kindness, understanding and collaboration with our brothers and sister of humanity. Every individual is a Holy Being representing a creator. It is said: “that the offering of wisdom is better than any material offering, for the goal of all work is the attainment of spiritual wisdom. You nurture, feed, heal and restore your soul by: * everything that is worth achieving requires work, concentration, time, energy and willing. * Be a grateful person: start each day with an attitude for gratitude, each day is a God’s gift of life. * Spread love wherever you go, begin in your own house. Let no one come in without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness. * keep your priorities straight, know what is important and what is not. Live within your integrity. * strive for excellence, be the best you can be and do the best you can do. * spread love wherever you go, for we leave imprints of our energy that allows others to  be empowered or disempowered through the vibrations we leave behind. * share your journey, with love, truth, honesty and simplicity. * remember life is not a race but a journey to be savored every step of the way. Do not seek to be enlightened for you are already illumined. Its your “choice” on how you wish to live your life. You can either choose to maintain your spiritual identity or you can choose to let the material world change who you are. ==============================================

”Our Life Style Is Our Personal Message To The World”

We transcend our message through the truths that we believe, our personal values, the way we choose to live our life, our actions and reactions, the choices, fears, strengths, weaknesses, limitations, freedoms, challenges and lessons of experience, or through self-destruction, self-respect, self-worth, etc., all that we believe in, express and do, is about who we are and how we are empowering others. The energy that we send out into the world will come back to us multiplied at a later date. This realization will make us more mindful of every thought, word and action that we do each day. Whatever we do to another we do to ourselves. In order to create a better tomorrow you will need to ask yourself “what is it that will give my life more meaning, purpose and joy? Or what do I want to do to accomplish my life?” Your message is that you yourself is your own Messiah who will be able to save your own life. The world does not need to be saved, this is our idea and that of the individualized thoughts of our belief system. The world is a school for evolving one’s own consciousness. If all is connected and all is ONE, then we change the world because of what we are, not just because of what we do. Change yourself and you change the world. Save the world by saving yourself. See the world for what it is and you will allow Truth to filter your thought-mind and then you will be filled with love, understanding and self-knowledge. Divine Truth is eternal and changeless and we are all self-sustained for truth is self-evident, it is beyond words, theories and doctrines. We are masters of Light, Love and Wisdom. In other words, we are spiritual beings of Enlightment, deities. As soon as we remove the cobwebs of selfishness, immaturity and ignorance, truth will shine forth. Each time we say a swear word it carries a negative energy and each time we express divinity it carries a high frequency of positive loving energy. Everything you need in life is already yours, you only need to STOP WORRYING in order to ALLOW TRUST TO UNFOLD then you will experience synchronicity and balance in your body, mind and soul. Remember that we are all born as embodiements of love and self-knowledge. This is never lost, or forgotten, it is only disregarded or ignored. Our world is exactly what we individually and collectively designed it to be because we are conscious creators creating creation in every moment of our existence. Every moment is a point of enlightenment and power especially when we feel a saddened, empty within, lost or confused, unloved or lonely. This is our sign that our divine self is calling us back to our divinity. Feelings are the recognition of the heart. The heart feels, the mind doesn’t. The heart is alive, the mind is inert. The heart experiences, the mind conceptualizes. The heart joins, the mind separates. Emotions are sponsored by thoughts and feelings are sponsored by the heart which are the signs of love, understanding and wisdom. This is why we have to live in our heart rather than in our emotional or mental self. The life force we call God is our true nature which is spirit, which is the essence and the make-up of all that is.

Here are some ways we can better our connection with our spirit.

1. Live in peace, for peace is harmony which brings balance to our life and with all people. 2. Be open-minded in order to allow your higher-self to come through your non-self.

3. Be the example that others need to see in order to allow others to unfold their best

4. Be love, for love is the reality of who we are and the power that sustains all life forces.

5. Live in the present, the power of empowerment and enlightenment is the now.

6. Believe in yourself, in order to help others you must believe in yourself first.

7. Stealing from another is cheating yourself.

8. Don’t judge or be rude to anyone, for if you do you allow others to do the same to you.

9. Respect yourself in order to respect others and others will respect you.

10. Accept change as that means that your divine self is moving you forward to better pathways of life.

11. Forgiveness starts within us and then we forgive others and others forgive us.

12. Be grateful, humble, generous, kind, caring, sincere, loyal, welcoming, etc…

13. Don’t contaminate the planet by polluting yourself with immature energies.

14. Be the caretaker of the earth.

15. Be thankful and appreciative


”The Various Cycles of Life”:

Spring, summer, fall and winter…..what does nature have to teach us? They are all perfect cycles of seasons of transformation. The ancient ones felt nature was sacred and spoke to people. Spirituality teaches us that Life is sacred and One. Life is changing with each passing day and leading us to deeper spiritual awareness. We are all on a journey of self-discovery. Life is not about birth and death, its about seeding, weeding, growing, learning, discovery, and atunement for personal development which leads to spiritual atunement. The paths to self-mastery, self-knowledge and self-illumination are not an easy one. It is an upward struggle beset by obstacles, for divine awareness can only be achieved through life’s experiences rather than by reading and meditating. Every moment in life, we are given the opportunities to make choices between feeling safe or feeling free, between holding on or exploring new horizons, between living in the physical or experiencing our spiritual nature and identity. Through choice and will, we are led and guided into those levels of truth that resonate within us. It is important to let go of our past. Traditions, cultures, memories, habits or customs sometimes feel like safety zones. Living in the moment is living in the new and the now. New ideas or experiences can be uncomfortable and sometimes frightening, but as you let go of the physical emotional self, you open to the truth of your being. As you desire to evolve and go with the flow, transformation happens automatically because we are Light beings housed in a physical body and our true nature is personalized Divine Consciousness. As a spiritual being we have a responsibility to live in a manner that should serve as an example to other people because our actions causes an effect that can be either positive or negative, and that as others see you, so they view Spirituality. Every good act, no matter how insignificant you may think it is, adds to the whole. The work which Life has entrusted to you is the opportunity that polishes your personality. Sometimes it is in the sufferings and bearing of our own pain that we choose to re-awaken and learn our lesson. Sometimes we learn our lessons through a series of lives on earth, which defines our personality and individuality learning our way back to our true source. Instead of blaming others we can choose to wake-up and take responsibility as we begin to rectify our mistakes and become masters of our emotional experiences. No matter how difficult your path may be at times, use your actions to forge ahead one step at a time and one day at a time. Sometimes a single step may take weeks, months or years, but continue on… The pitfalls we run into are often not external, but inside of us like the painful feelings of being misunderstood by those we love, the resentment we experience when we are unexpectedly attacked, the worries about our past, the bitter memories that can discourage us, the lack of self-love or self-worth, the betrayal and abuse we experienced. We need to make peace with ourselves before we can become peaceful. We need to establish priorities for our goals, take hold of the reins and emanate energies of confidence, positivity, harmony, and love. Remember that we can have many thoughts but until we attach a feeling to them they are just thoughts. Our life on earth is about mastering our emotions. Do not let material or emotional things hinder your progression. The problems with many souls are that personality and individuality are not in harmony. The difference between personality and individuality is that personality resonates with the physical body and individuality is immortal and eternal. We test our will and desire over and over again to see how strong we stand with our conviction and our surrender, on how much love we have in our hearts in those moments that we are challenged, how strong we stand in our integrity, how alone are we willing to stand in what we know to be true. Our soul is our garden, our experience of being Spirit, the sum total of what we plant expressing as life. Soul development and atunement is about you letting go of the baggage you carry with you from eons of time. It’s about healing your soul, letting go of feeling stuck or imprisoned. Soul development is spiritual strength. We must develop our own soul before we can lead as examples. Spiritual practice is the source of all loving and sincere actions. So move forward and keep on fulfilling your roles through your personal responsibilities. Think of the tree which renews itself by shedding its dead leaves. Life has wonderful things in store for those who persevere while still continuing to work and serve. So fill yourself with courage and trust your abilities and potentials. As you believe, so it is done. You will receive as much as you are ready to accept. =================================================


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